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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I assume your Tools > Options choices are set to 'download updates automatically'?  You could change that setting and just choose 'remind me later' when this window pops up?

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I don't believe there is a choice in the menus to download updates automatically. There is a check box for automatically check for updates. Anybody updating the latest update to evernote is suicidal with the amount of bugs their updates have. You have to place defense and stay an update behind with them.

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  • Level 5*

I'd think the theory is if you're automatically checking for updates,  you're open to them being downloaded when they're available - but in any case you're better off not checking if you have any reservations about updates - and you can always use that 'remind me later' option...

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22 hours ago, mikefinleyco said: version

In addition to forcing updates on old versions, the upgrade stuff could be set so specific versions were tagged must-update. Sounds like that was one.

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