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All My Notes Gone from Evernote for Mac

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I have taken the plunge and updated to the latest version. And voila, just like that all my notes are completely absent from the desktop app. I can access them via the android app or the web but not via the Mac desktop app. I have gone through the process of uninstalling, deleting the evernote folders from my hard drive, doing a restart and then reinstalling. This process has had no result. 

Curiously enough, I had access the first couple of times I tried and then the notes all went. And when I add a new note via the web it appears in my desktop app. It seems, however, that something has gone askew between Evernote servers—which contain all the notes in my 'old' account—and the newly upgraded desktop app.

Very unimpressed, that, instead of getting on with work, I am having to trouble-shoot. I'd really like the problem solved and an explanation of how this can happen. I expect better. I can accept the faffing around involved, however, I would like to know why it is happening. 

(and Evernote, remove the green share button, please)

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  • Level 5

Most likely you have created by accident a new account. This can happen (too) easy, and of course will not show the notes in your existing account.

Log out completely from the app, renter your login data, and see whether your notes are back.

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  • Level 5*
44 minutes ago, Dial said:

It seems, however, that something has gone askew between Evernote servers—which contain all the notes in my 'old' account—and the newly upgraded desktop app.

Any chance you accidentally created a second account.  Make sure you're using the same userid/password

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It seems to be the one account. The logins are the same for the  web and desktop accounts and any new notes created in the desktop app also show up in the web app, alongside all my previously existing notes.  The converse is not true, none of the previous notes that currently exist in their entirety in the web app are evident in the new version of the desktop app. The web and desktop app are talking directly to each other. Unfortunately it's a one way conversation.

And Evernote help is just as dysfunctional. Although already logged in, I am directed to login to access support. When I do so I am logged out! This has continued for the last 24 hrs. A recent development has been the appearance of a page telling me that there are issues and that support service is not currently available.  This page, however, only appeared once and is no longer viewable. Instead, I am back to being simply logged out of Evernote.

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There is one account to rule them all. The issue would seem to be that the two sides—web and desktop—are not engaging, so that existing web files sync automatically to the desktop app. This has been established. However,  if I go into the web app and use a note then it will install itself  in the desktop app. Perhaps the answer is  staring me in the face:  engage with every single one of my  notes to thereby reinstall the desktop app of my new,  upgraded and improved Evernote. 

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Dial said:

Although already logged in, I am directed to login to access support. When I do so I am logged out! This has continued for the last 24 hrs. A recent development has been the appearance of a page telling me that there are issues and that support service is not currently available.  This page, however, only appeared once and is no longer viewable. Instead, I am back to being simply logged out of Evernote.


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I have lost my EverNote notes twice now!  I like the interface/features of EverNote, but I'm 98% of the way to moving to another note taking application as this does not seem reliable.  Both times, it happened after my Mac was re-imaged/HD erased.  Since EverNote stores my notes in the cloud, they ought to be available under the same account, right?  I have only had one account, so I'm surprised by their absence.  After googling, I looked on EverNotes site, checked Trash, etc., as suggested by various articles.  Still missing in action.  

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