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Classic Note Link...

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  • Is it possible to retrieve a classic note link ("evernote:///...") to a note directly from the user interface?


  • RClick on a note only offers "Copy Internal Link (Ctrl-Alt-L)" which ends in a "https://..."-URL to be inserted in other documents (like Excel, Word, ...)

On a MAC someone tolds me to press an "option button" after RClick to find the command - but on Windows, I've neither an Option-Button available nor does CTRL work :-(

My current workaround is to paste the internal link to a (new, temp.) note text then RClick on this new inserted text and "Edit..." the link. Within the small dialog, I can Cut&Paste the internal syntax string... But this is time wasting and complicated...

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On EN-for-Windows, when you are in a note, and you do a CTRL+ALT+L to generate the CLASSIC (In-App) note-link (evernote:///view)... well, at this stage, you already have 'Retrieved' a classic note link... so to answer your question YES it's possible.

I think the issue you're having, occurs when wanting to paste the 'actual' link-syntax, as opposed to the notes-title-anchor-text thingy.  Hence why I think you are using your current '2-Step-Shuffle' of 1st pasting to notepad...as i believe notepad somehow strips everything away and just keeps the link-syntax.

The easiest method I have found... when wanting to paste a classic note-link to either another app on your PC (assuming PC - not MAC), or a web-app, such as Asana (my online workflow system), simply Right Click and select 'PASTE AS PLAIN TEXT'  -or-  CTRL+SHIFT+V ...that should now show the classic-link syntax in 1 step.  NB this however wont work if wanting to paste the classic link-syntax into another note on EN itself...don't know why!? ...and so back to your 2-step process 😞 

My issue is, that unlike locally installed apps on my PC, such as MS Outlook or Word, that I can paste the classic links to fine, and have them open the note on the desktop... Classic note-links pasted to online web-enabled apps such as Asana...are not recognised!!!   And no amount of configuring my browser has resolved it thus far...

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Huh, annoying because it makes a difference whether you are working on note within EN's main window or with a New Window 😞

If you are working on a note in EN's main window

  • Command "Note -> Copy Internal Link" shows an accelerator "CTRL-ALT-L"
    • ... and stores a classic URL in Window's clipboard (OK)
    • CTRL-ALT-L does this job without clicking through the command (OK)
  • "CTRL-/" does NOT work (FAIL)
    • ... on German keyboards because a "/" is reachable only by using a shift key 😞 and CTRL-SHIFT-/ seems to have no or any other functionality
  • Command "Note -> Copy External Link" is not available (WISH: offer command)
    • ... so I've no possibility to generate an external URL in this mode - but...

If you are working on a note in a New Window (my preferred method to work in parallel in several notes)

  • Command "Note -> Copy Internal Link" shows no accelerator (WISH: show an accelerator)
    • ... and stores an external URL in Window's clipboard (FAIL: should store an Internal URL) [A]
    • "CTRL-ALT-L" works even it is not mentioned in command and places an external URL in clipboard (OK)
  • "CTRL-/" does NOT work (FAIL) - as above...
  • Command "Note -> Copy External Link" is not available (WISH: offer command) - as above...

THX RavBoy!

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Small addendum: to  [A]

Because "Note -> Copy Internal Link" works like a "Note -> Copy External Link" in this case (in a New window), this is could be seen as a feature (with invalid naming) - and it is the only way to get an external link to my note 😉.

@EN-developers: Please end up these boring discussion by simply 

  • offenering both commands ("Note -> Copy Internal Link [CTRL-ALT-L]" and "Note -> Copy External Link [CTRL-/]")
  • ... in both modes (Main window and New Window)
  • ... with accellerators shown in command menus (to help to remember them easily for new users)
  • ... and an other accellerator than "Ctrl-/" for German power users 😉

THX for your attention...

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  • Level 5*
On 8/11/2019 at 11:27 AM, Eldorado said:

RClick on a note only offers "Copy Internal Link (Ctrl-Alt-L)" which ends in a "https://..."-URL to be inserted in other documents (like Excel, Word, ...)

There are three types of note links
. In-app (Classic); evernote:///view/...
- Private browser; https://www.evernote.com/...
- Public brower; https://www.evernote.com/...

On my Mac and iPad, Copy Note Link updates the clipboard with the Private browser link; https://www.evernote.com/...
I can verify this with a clipboard viewer app1026032166_ScreenShot2019-08-16at08_57_50.png.9a98447f22be25dafa9ce99b487aeda1.png

Pasting within the Evernote app converts this to the In-app (Classic) link; evernote:///view/...

>>>>On a MAC someone tolds me to press an "option button"

Confirmed; holding down the option key forces the In-app (Classic) link.

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1 minute ago, DTLow said:

- Internal browser; https://www.evernote.com/...
- Public brower; https://www.evernote.com/...

What's the difference?

2 minutes ago, DTLow said:

On my Mac and iPad, copy Internal Link updates the clipboard with the Internal browser link; https://www.evernote.com/...
Pasting within the Evernote app converts this to the 
Internal in-app (Classic) link; evernote:///view/...

On Windows, I sometime had the feeling that EN places both formats the clipboard (this is possible in Windows - we use this feature in our programs ;-)). So any other application is free to select the propper one for its own purpose during paste (Word: https:..., Evernote itself: evernote:...)

Maybe I was confused during my tests. But I think they should not be toooo clever: If I have two distinct commands to place explicitely one URL in the clipboard, I will use the desired one in any case.

BTW: In my environment I use the internal URL even in external cases like (HTML based) texts. Doing so, Windows will launch EN to show my note (and not a browser with un-comfortable EN-UI). This is why I mentioned [A] as a FAIL 😉

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Eldorado said:

What's the difference?😉

I corrected this, the two links are Private Browser and Public Browser
Two different browser links to the same note
The Public Browser link allows access by anyone; no password required
The Private Browser link requires userid/password to access

>>BTW: In my environment I use the internal URL even in external cases like (HTML based) texts

I also use the In-app (Classic) link; never the Private Browser link
The In-app link also works within Evernote/Web

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Moreover I just saw a nice feature regarding auto-converting link formats:

  • If I inserted external links ("https://...") to other documents (like an eMail body in Outlook)
    and then Copy&Paste this text back to an EN note
    • EN converts it to an internal link ("evernote://..." automatically (NICE) and changes the colour to green (default for internal links! - very good)


  • If I inserted external links ("https://...") to an eMail body in Outlook
    and then use "Save to Evernote" to move my sent message to EN
    • EN does not auto-convert the links (@EN-Developers: WHY?)
On 8/16/2019 at 6:01 PM, DTLow said:

The Public Browser link allows access by anyone; no password required
The Private Browser link requires userid/password to access

THX for clarifying this - it leads me to some more investigations/findings (for Windows users)

  • Note -> Copy internal link (Ctrl-Alt-L)
    • creates internal links to be pasted within EN (OK)
    • creates external private links to pasted outside EN (OK)
  • Note -> Share -> Copy sharable link - in Main window
    • creates external public links to pasted anywhere (OK - but be careful!)
    • @EN-Developers: This command should show accelerator info ("Ctrl-/")
  • Note -> Share -> Copy share URL (Ctrl-/) - in separate Note window
    • creates external public links to pasted anywhere (OK - but be careful!)
    • @EN-Developers: Please use other accelerator becasue "Ctrl-/" cannot be used on German keyboards

Regarding "but be careful!": In my opinion, this command should be named "Copy public share URL"  in all cases to grant a user to be aware of this. Up to now, a Public url remains public (with no password requirement) until a user explecitely stops access by command

  • Note -> Share -> Share note... > Turn off

But who knows this complicated commands later or is even aware ot public links later?
@EN-Developers: please think about 😉




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