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Last version of Evernote to support Windows Vista?

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What is the last version of Evernote to support Windows Vista? I recall installing the Evernote client application on that operating system last year without any issue; however, the latest version informs me that Windows Vista is no longer supported...

Please let me know.

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  • Level 5*

Note that those versions are no longer secure and may not be supported. Evernote patched a security bug last year that required a client side fix. 

I'm not even sure if the one @gazumped pointed to will sync now that Evernote data is all in the Google cloud. Not sure when that transition happened, but I think it was after 2015...

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  • Level 5

... and it is dead sure that any system running on Vista is unsafe at the very moment it gets connected to the internet.

So maybe it will not sync, but maybe it will, but the whole setup will get corrupted by some of the bad stuff roaming about in the net, searching for vulnerable systems.

It is maybe nice to operate it in a isolated environment, just for the experience.

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