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Hello there!

I can't synchronize the evernote android application.
I have Evernote Premium
I have the latest version of the application
Android version - 9
How did I try to solve the problem:
- I checked the internet connection
- I emptied the 'Trash' notebook
- I uninstalled and re-installed the application on my phone
- after the reinstallation of the application I managed to only once syncronize the notes after which I have not succeeded

- I've disconnected from my Evernote account, but could not log in again. Internet access is started and it works in other programs

- I restarted the phone but I still could not log in to the evernote
- I uninstalled and re-installed the application on my phone, one more time;
- after reinstalling the application, I could log in to the evernote account
- just like the previous date, all the notes were synched. Everyone could open. We deleted and created new notes and they have synchronized. Then I closed and reopened the internet. Some of the notes can not be opened and edited. I guess it does not synchronize again.  I attached a screenshot of the error.

Please help me!


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I'd recommend you raise a Support ticket and send a copy of your logs to Evernote.  You seem to have done most of the possible checks to ensure sync works,  and I can't think of any obvious omissions that would cause a problem.  Have you tried from different networks?  Home wifi as well as work or public connections and the mobile network?  I'm not aware of any outages that might have affected you,  but Evernote should be able to help...

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I have been having sync issues on and off for the last two years.  Mostly it's just the message "last sync failed", but the notes do appear to be there (mostly).  It is pretty frustrating to see "failed" constantly though. Clearing app cache and/or reinstalling seems to fix sync issues as well, sometimes.

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  • Level 5

I am sorry, but I won’t be of much help when diving deep into the android client. I am on iOS, that is similar in not using a local database, but probably different in the little machine that runs things in the background. Thus it depends on a working sync as much as the android client  Does.

If it fails independent from the access path, it seems to be caused by something in the path from server to device, and back.

Maybe there is someone else here in the forum whom can help from there onwards.

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