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Outlook 'Save to Evernote' button very slow


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I didn't find anything helpful on the forum or Google; has anyone seen this before?  In an e-mail there is a "Save to Evernote" button.  When I click it, it takes about 8 minutes and then it comes up.  If I click it multiple times, then I get multiple windows with errors that it could not access the content, and one window that eventually comes up and allows me to save it.  I am running Outlook 365 32-bit (so latest via Microsoft online updates), Windows 10 (latest), and a very fast machine with 64GB RAM and SSD drives.  Otherwise, the standalone Evernote app itself behaves normally.

Evernote, Plugin version

Office 16.0.11126.20234 Version 1812 Build 11126.20266


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I have Windows 64bit and Outlook (Office) 2013 running on a spinning disk device and 8GB,  so far from a direct match;  but my email clipper works fine.  I'd suggest you raise a support request (mainly user 2 user support here) if no-one else chimes in with more comparable experience.

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I agree with jimer2 above. While it doesn't take 8 minutes for me, it does take 1 to 5 minutes, regardless of whether there is just 1 email or multiple.

My system is

Windows 10 64bit
Intel i7 processor
Solid State hard drive
16GB ram

Office 2016

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if it's an issue,  raise a support ticket so 1) Evernote know the issues exists and 2) they have some more data to help work out what's causing it

I actually haven't visited the forums in quite a while. I always left depressed when I was seeing that my favorite organization app was "going down the tubes".

I briefly visited yesterday and decided to support jimer2 since no one had confirmed that they were having the same issue.

I'll start reporting issues like this once I see Evernote actually improving what is already wrong with it. The new CEO has promised to start correcting things. If I see signs that it is again becoming the smooth running machine it used to be, I'll get re-involved in trying to improve it.

Until then, my involvement is going to stay limited.

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  • Level 5*
On 1/30/2019 at 1:14 PM, ybp9003 said:

I'll start reporting issues like this once I see Evernote actually improving what is already wrong with it.

I sympathise with the sentiment,  but Evernote could equally argue they'll start improving things when users get involved enough to show them exactly what is causing an issue.  Every software engineer spends far more time working to fix issues that cause problems on one device (or in one OS) or another than they ever did writing the software in the first place. That's why every package has frequent updates as more fetaures are added (plus,  or course,  more bugs) and more fixes are applied (causing,  usually,  spin off problems that weren't there originally...)

Using software isn't a question of paying for a 'perfect' package - it's a matter of realising that there will be issues and working to minimise them...

But I agree it's also a pain.


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Me, too, can say that Outlook 365 (version 16.0.11231.20122),  Win 10 1809 Build 17763.292) and Evernote  currently 6.18  do not work well together. Beyond the lag the most worrying aspect to me is the rotten quality of  notes through direct transfer from Outlook.


Outlook 365/2016 is part of the current Microsoft office suite, the standard office package used all over the globe. If Evernote have not got the means to pay for the annual subscription fee they should not even offer the add-on. Win 10 is the current OS and the only Win OS that Evernote needs to optimize for. Win 7 is in its final year of support and with hardware equipment well above Evernote and Win Office specs such lags have nothing to do with machines that are well maintained.

 Of course, third-party add-ons are at a disadvantage so to speak. The developers  do need to keep upbreast with changes.. Nothing new in that trade. 

Why should users point to deficits that any developer could determine  with minimum effort?  A typical case, very recent was that one of the Evernote staff members was astounded to learn that an Evernote shortcut collided with a Win 10 shortcut. Whose fault? Mistakes do happen but the nerve to think Microsoft stole from Evernote is quite something. 

Not for one moment do I really believe that Outlook clipping carries much weight with Evernote.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, JohnLongney said:

to think Microsoft stole from Evernote is quite something. 

I believe the point being made by a staff member was that Microsoft changed the way that their product behaved.  I definitely don't remember astoundment. 

Evernote didn't actually know that had happened until a user told them.  Now they do know about it,  they'll be able to do something.  Which was also the point of my post. 

It would be dumb to go to a doctor and say "make the pain go away" without being prepared to say where the pain was,  and give more details.  Similarly Evernote can't improve their service without users reporting of what's going wrong and being prepared to share details.  Just sayin'.

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Let me just say one thing - you do not understand how different Evernote staff seemingly work.

Developers, programmers, call them what you will, do not need users to tell them about changes in the OS etc because they themselves are in the know.

  It is a normal part of their job life and vital to the smooth functioning of their own products. If Evernote had left their ivory tower habits  long ago things would be a lot better.  Or do you really expect  page preview to be the equivalent to pdf export as it still is in the Win version of Evernote? 

As for myself I could not care less as to whether Outlook clipping to Evernote is responsive or not because of the usually less than pleasing output results  and why report to Evernote something they should be able to experience on their own? 

If Mr Ian Small does his job well the overbearing excusing and definding mentality will no longer be needed. 

BTW, real doctors are not nearly so dumb or helpless when it comes to determining physical causes of pain. Doctors who rely solely on the patient's self-diagnosis, apart from stuff like simple colds and suchlike have no place in modern medicine. 

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  • 4 months later...
  • Level 5*
On 6/14/2019 at 12:46 AM, markeh said:

Same problem - clicking "save to Evernote" in Outlook 2010 can take several minutes (maybe 3-5) before the systems responds.

OTOH, a page save from Firefox is almost immediate.


Have you tried Support?  -Don't forget to mention your OS and Evernote versions.

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  • 3 months later...

So this seems to be not an individual problem but a know bug - that is not fixed for at least a year. It would be interesting to get updates on this - HERE at the forum! What was the reaction of the support? Just another tick on their errors list (the 1000th support request of the same bug will get a t-shirt)? Any known workaround procedure?

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  • Level 5*
11 hours ago, gewappnet said:

So this seems to be not an individual problem but a know bug - that is not fixed for at least a year. It would be interesting to get updates on this - HERE at the forum! What was the reaction of the support? Just another tick on their errors list (the 1000th support request of the same bug will get a t-shirt)? Any known workaround procedure?

Hi.  You're joining a thread nearly four months after the last post and from the comments made so far I'd be surprised if Evernote have even one report yet.  Everyone seems to want Evernote to fix an unspecified problem without being willing to invest any time in explaining to them exactly what that problem is. 

My Outlook add-in by the way is currently working fine.  If that's not your experience and as you're also a subscriber,  you could make your own report...


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