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Cmd-backspace in note title should *NOT* send the note to Trash

Vincent Noel


In every Mac app I know of, typing cmd-backspace clears the line of text you've just typed.

In Evernote I often wish to rename a note. Maybe a name has been autogenerated for the note and I'd like to change it to something better. In any case, I always open the note, type cmd-L to go to the note title (a great shortcut, consistent with e.g. Safari) and hit cmd-backspace to clear out the note title and start fresh. But hitting that last shortcut, instead of clearing the title, sends the note to the Trash. This behavior is very unfriendly to users trained to use the generic user shortcuts. 

(things get worse from there, as the trashed note becomes un-editable, I need to click the "Restore Note" button to un-trash it, and evernote takes a while to notice the note has become editable again and let me actually modify its title, ending up in quite a bit of lost time)

Proof that this shortcut is ill-chosen: It only works when the cursor is in the note title. When the cursor is in a note, cmd-Backspace clears the line of text, as it should. As far as I know, when the cursor is in the note no keyboard shortcut can send the note to the Trash -- I see no reason why such a shortcut would be more useful when the cursor is in the note title. 

Please change the "delete note" shortcut to something else, like cmd-option-backspace, and make it work for any cursor location.

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1 hour ago, Vincent Noel said:

I always open the note, type cmd-L to go to the note title (a great shortcut, consistent with e.g. Safari) and hit cmd-backspace to clear out the note title and start fresh. But hitting that last shortcut, instead of clearing the title, sends the note to the Trash.

I'm not able to replicate your issue
The note is only deleted with focus in the note list
With focus in the note title (⌘ L), cmd-delete seems to have no effect.

I'm using Evernote Mac version v7.1

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Looks like the note also needs to be opened in a new window for cmd+backspace to delete it (as opposed to just selecting it in the note list and then clicking into it in the editor panel). I'll submit a ticket for this, the behavior here is way less straightforward than it should be.

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