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I cloud Integration

Daniel Ramos

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I would like to check with you whether the below topic was properly handled or not?

I love the integration now between Google and Evernote. I would love to see similar integration with iCloud and/or the macOS Apps Calendar and Reminders. The idea is simple enough (though I know execution is far more difficult 
;)): If I create a checklist in a note, it can sync to the Reminders app, a due date would appear in Calendar, and a meeting in Calendar would allow for a meeting note to be made in Evernote. 

This message was created in 2017 by Hel10s user.

Any help is appreciated.



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Not sure what you're looking for here.  There are ways to link Evernote to other applications,  though I don't know of any which will go quite as far as your example.  IFTTT is (I think) still the most flexible,  though there are services like Zapier which will do similar things.  You might also want to look at these -

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  • Level 5*
On 2018-04-29 at 5:54 AM, Daniel Ramos said:

If I create a checklist in a note, it can sync to the Reminders app, a due date would appear in Calendar, and a meeting in Calendar would allow for a meeting note to be made in Evernote. 

There are third party products to handle integration with other services.

I use scripting on my Mac to add a reminder and calendar entry.

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On 4/29/2018 at 8:54 AM, Daniel Ramos said:

I would love to see similar integration with iCloud and/or the macOS Apps Calendar and Reminders

An option to utilize is TaskClone as suggested above. They support iOS reminders according to their website. I personally use TaskClone for integration between Evernote and Todoist. It is working for the time being however obviously it is not like a native integration. When I check something off in Todoist, it does not update Evernote (and vice versa). It is a solution however.


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