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(Archived) Feature Request : Notes in multiple notebooks

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I've searched & searched (but could be missing something) - I need to have a note appear in multiple notebooks. I keep a notebook for my own use/company & share it out to employees. I also keep notebooks for clients. I don't want my clients having access to MY notes, but there are plenty of times I need to cross-post information. Right now I have to copy/paste the info (and manually re-enter tags & url's) to multiple places. I'd at least settle for 'duplicating' a note so I can drag/drop it into another notebook. Any help or suggestions? (I'm a paid member & will be for life!)

Lynette Young

Purple Stripe Productions

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  • Level 5*

I don't think that you can do what you want in Evernote. You can only share at notebook granularity, not at note granularity. It sounds like you'll have to work out some kind of paired notebook scheme: e.g. PurpleStripe_Employee / PurpleStripe_Boss (two notebooks for your company), and CompanyXYZ_Client / CompanyXYZ_Internal (two notebooks for company XYZ), etc.

I don't think that there's an easy way to duplicate a note at this time, either.


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I too have the same issue. There are notes that I know that should be in a couple of notebooks to make them as interesting as I can, plus meet the interests of various people. So far, no way to drag and drop, no way to just copy the Notes in a column of a notebook. Though, I have just let this go for now, I have no choice. And, I am just copying the text, video, whatever as I go along. Now it is part of the process. Also, and I admit that this is probably not the best way to do things, but, I have all of my notes in a main file. I then move them to the correct notebook, add my information about the article to the reader, and then do the tags, and so forth.

It may not be the most efficient way to do this, but, I am having a blast learning so much about so much. My mind just keeps sucking in the knowledge and the ideas that we have access to via the Internet, the Web, our friends, bosses, co-workers, and for me, my oncologist and the team of doctors doing a good job keeping me here. So, I can handle it, I just need to relax and reality what an incredible piece of software this is, but more, what a way to share what interests us with others and, also, find things that are of great interest to maybe my closest friend. Though, with a family, a very busy job, he doesn't get to look for these things. I am putting them in a notebook and I will share it with him on Thursday night, if all goes well.

Good luck, really. And, enjoy what we do have. Not that I want the price to go up, but I am amazed at all I can do for the Premium price. I have two blogs, but, they don't come close to what I can do here. Have fun. All the best.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Level 5*

in general, tags address this issue. their flexibility makes it possible for you to arrange information in different ways using the search to filter the results. what you see is pretty much exactly what you would see if they were in notebooks, but because the notes don't move, you can essentially have them in whatever context you'd like. tags are very powerful for most individual use-cases.

but, in the cases presented here, tags are useless, because the users want to share notes in different notebooks (as i understand it). what a conundrum! and, i will add my use-case here as well. i don't use notebooks, but have to create a MOBILE one so that i can designate the notes in it as offline. searches disappear every time we switch notebooks (and we cannot stay in "all notebooks" if we select and edit notes) so i am constantly frustrated by having to re-type all of my search strings.

how to fix all of these problems? offline and shared tags. instead of restricting the functionality to notebooks, make these two functions available for tags.

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  • Level 5*

What's wrong with having a single shared notebook for everyone? You post your new information there, everyone gets it. And everyone can still have their own individually shared notebook. I just don't see Evernote providing selective syncing from one note to a number of other notes in other notebooks.

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  • Level 5*

i can imagine a situation where you have some notes for the accountants, some for customer service, and others that everyone should see. ideally, you'd like to avoid dumping everything into one notebook.

instead of selective syncing, why not give users the ability to share tags? in theory, it is taking the functionality available for one organizational tool and making it available for another.

this way, users could share two tags with everyone. accountants would get "accountants" and "everyone", and customer service would get "customer service" and "everyone". in my case, i don't share, but i would like there to be "offline" tags.

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  • Level 5*

By the way, the original poster can now use Copy Note to duplicate easily notes to different notebooks. This didn't exist at that time.

No sure how eagerly Evernote wants to dive into providing owner-customizable views (e.g. filtered, as by tags or other criteria) into shared notebooks. That's really what we're talking about, not sharing tags (the owner's tags are shared when they share a notebook). I couldn't begin to guess at the complexity required, or the side-effects.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would also like to be able to have a single note show up in multiple notebooks. Kind of like in GoogleDocs where a document can be included in as many collections (folders) as you'd like. It would be very handy.

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I would also like to be able to have a single note show up in multiple notebooks. Kind of like in GoogleDocs where a document can be included in as many collections (folders) as you'd like. It would be very handy.

Tags do exactly this. Have you tried using them for this purpose?

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  • 9 months later...

It would be nice if we had the option to save a note in multiple notebooks.

I would also like to be able to have a single note show up in multiple notebooks. Kind of like in GoogleDocs where a document can be included in as many collections (folders) as you'd like. It would be very handy.

Tags do exactly this. Have you tried using them for this purpose?

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It would be nice if we had the option to save a note in multiple notebooks.

I would also like to be able to have a single note show up in multiple notebooks. Kind of like in GoogleDocs where a document can be included in as many collections (folders) as you'd like. It would be very handy.

Tags do exactly this. Have you tried using them for this purpose?

I use tags but still it would be better if we had even more options for customization.

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe I am confused ... I don't see how tags allow notes to be visible in multiple notebooks.


My use case --


Have notebooks for each direct report.  Have a common travel plan i'd like to share with them all, and allow changes, but not necessarily have yet another shared notebook.



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  • Level 5*

Allowing notes to be in multiple notebooks would involve a significant change to the data model and I think is extremely unlikely to happen. Evernote's way of dealing with this is to use tags.

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  • Level 5*

Maybe I am confused ... I don't see how tags allow notes to be visible in multiple notebooks.

They don't. A note can only be in exactly one notebook at a time.

Tags allow you to look a multiple notes, regardless of what notebooks the notes live in.


Have notebooks for each direct report.  Have a common travel plan i'd like to share with them all, and allow changes, but not necessarily have yet another shared notebook.

The common travel plan is going to need to be in a separate notebook, unless you store it in one of theirs. Regardless, it will need to be in a notebook shared by every team member.

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