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Missing in Web clien & iOSt: change dates & merge notes



Using Evernote intensively on my iPhone, iPad and Chromebook, Imiss the following functions:

- adjust "creation date" & "adjusted date"
- merge selected notes

I use these quite frequently - then I need to switch on my Windows laptop, as the Windows client does deliver these features.hen I scan in documents, I always adjust  the creation date to  the formal  date on the document (NOT the date I added the note...) 

When are these features scheduled for Web client and/or iOS clients?

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Hi.  I'm not sure I understood the question.  I use the Windows installed client.  I can edit both created date and updated date,  and I can merge notes.  The web client won't do either,     and hasn't been updated (that we know of) in a while.  What was the issue again?

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I'm a new user of Evernote. In fact, I've been using it only a few days.

I have to say that I'm rather dismayed that neither the web nor Android clients can merge notes. I don't have access to Windows or Mac desktops, as I run Linux exclusively in the home.

This oversight leaves Evernote impractically cumbersome as a productivity app and I'm afraid I will have to abandon it as quickly as I started using it.

Are there any plans to bring the functionality of the various clients in line with one another?

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Nobody knows anything ian. We never know. 

The requests pile up. people vote for them, there is the occasional note of thanks from an Evernote employee with maybe a vague promise or a "thanks"...but the months go past and nothing happens.

We get told that all of the work is going on "under the hood", which may be true but has nothing to do with the features that users are writing about here.

It is a pretty depressing situation, to be honest,. :(

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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, ianmacd said:

I'm a new user of Evernote. In fact, I've been using it only a few days.

I have to say that I'm rather dismayed that neither the web nor Android clients can merge notes. I don't have access to Windows or Mac desktops, as I run Linux exclusively in the home.

This oversight leaves Evernote impractically cumbersome as a productivity app and I'm afraid I will have to abandon it as quickly as I started using it.

Are there any plans to bring the functionality of the various clients in line with one another?

There are many features, not available on the mobile and web platforms.  Some of these are device limitations, and others due to decisions on allocating resources.  You can influence these decisions by adding your vote to requests; voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion.

Evernote has indicated the objective of parity between platforms, but there is no specific timetable. As a first step, they are implementing a common editor to the  platforms.

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On 18/10/2016 at 10:04 PM, DTLow said:

There are many features, not available on the mobile and web platforms.  Some of these are device limitations, and others due to decisions on allocating resources.  You can influence these decisions by adding your vote to requests; voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion.

Evernote has indicated the objective of parity between platforms, but there is no specific timetable. As a first step, they are implementing a common editor to the  platforms.

Thank you for the response.

I didn't realise that Evernote was quite this fragmented across platforms. I've only ever read glowing reviews of it and was quite unpleasantly surprised to discover how limited the web client in particular is.

It sounds as if some patience is going to be needed on my part in the hope of improvement.


On 18/10/2016 at 9:52 PM, Glennie said:

Nobody knows anything ian. We never know. 

The requests pile up. people vote for them, there is the occasional note of thanks from an Evernote employee with maybe a vague promise or a "thanks"...but the months go past and nothing happens.

We get told that all of the work is going on "under the hood", which may be true but has nothing to do with the features that users are writing about here.

It is a pretty depressing situation, to be honest,. :(

Thank you for the candid response. It's an all too familiar tale; only the name of the company is different. I had hoped that Evernote was one of the other kind of companies, the kind to which criticism like this does not apply.

On the other hand, I don't have much invested in the platform at this stage. I'll work with what's available to me right now and see whether I can work around the software's shortcomings.

To Evernote's credit, I should add that I have tried various alternatives to Evernote these last few days and found all of them to be unworkable. OneNote was functionally more or less equivalent, but so slow on the web that it was effectively unusable.

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