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  1. I agree - Widgets are most useful to me. Why they still exist in settings, but aren't available as a "home screen" makes no sense. EN seems to have a very specific user in mind - people who will create content on their iphone. My use pattern is to mostly create content on my PC, and have it available wherever I am. I'm afraid that EN may so drift from what's useful that I can no longer rely on it.
  2. As near as I can tell, support has disappeared from EN web site, other than billing.
  3. In the distant past (years?) a web page clip could use smart filing to pick what notebook to send a clip to. A pretty good percentage of the time this was the right choice for me. Hasn't worked for quit a while, at least in my Windows/Firefox environment. It's still shown as an option when setting which notebook clips should go to. Gone forever?? Anyone heard anything?? thx,
  4. This has been broken for so long I assumed that the feature was dropped - too hard, or too expensive to fix. I didn't understand why EN didn't just come out and say so. It was definitely useful. .
  5. Is Smart Filing (web clipping) in the plans for a fix?? Hasn't worked for a while, just points to the last notebook used.
  6. Well, latest windows update: 10.60.4-win-ddl-public (20230803182206) Editor: v176.4.0 Service: v1.71.1 © 2019 - 2023 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved Seems to have fixed this problem. Now works as expected. Maybe someday web clip smart filing will get fixed also.... .
  7. I now see the following behavior that seems like a bug to me. Was wondering if anyone else sees this, or maybe can explain why EN is supposed to work this way. This happens on Windows only, my iPhone seems to work as expected. Most of my shortcuts point to a notebook. They work as expected. But I have 2 (important to me) shortcuts that point to a tag. When I poke at the tag shortcut in the home page widget, instead of displaying notes with the tag all 5K+ notes are displayed. When I poke at the tag shortcut on the left side of the EN app window, all 5K notes are displayed the first time. An immediate second poke correctly displays the correct 10 or so with the tag. Works this way on both of my tag shortcuts. If I poke at the shortcut in the home page widget, get all 5K notes, then poke at the same shortcut on the left panel (which is the second poke at the same shortcut) I get smaller, correct set of notes displayed. Seems like a bug to me, but maybe I don't get it. Any suggestions?? THX =========== Windows 11, EN: 10.59.5-win-ddl-public (5236) Editor: v174.13.3 Service: v1.70.3 © 2019 - 2023 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  8. I think the posts reflect the high levels of concern of people who depend on EN. Bending Spoons could make much of this go away by better communication with their user base. I've seen nothing that they have done to lower the temperature, presumably lack of knowledge or lack of interest. In the absence of this, given everything that has happened with EN - ownership change, pricing, location changes, staff dismissals - it's only prudent to be looking at alternatives. Hence multiple postings. If anyone has a non-Evernote location (Reddit, for example) where these things can be discussed outside of EN control, I would appreciate the information. .
  9. I just wonder what the chance of any development, or even bug fixes, seeing as the entire development team was just liquidated. Seems unlikely that a new team can be assembled. Lot of internal knowledge was lost. .
  10. I think the future is pretty clear. After all this time, this isn't likely to ever be fixed. Here is the future of EN: Evernote has laid off most of its US staff and will move most operations to Europe The company, which was acquired by mobile developer Bending Spoons last year, has decided to pack things up in the US. The Verge, 7/9/23 https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/9/23789012/evernote-layoff-us-staff-bending-spoons-note-taking-app I think B.S .is thinking one of three things: 1. The expense of fixing this will never pay back. To be fair, if EN had been thinking this way for the past few years it might never have been sold. Supporting an app across multiple systems/OSs is presumably complicated and expensive: Available everywhere Have an iPhone and a Windows computer? Android and Mac? Like using Linux? Unlike most note-taking apps, Evernote works on them all. 2. This feature, or maybe web clipping entirely, doesn't fit in to B.S. long term strategy. Not that I have any idea what that is. 3. They intend to minimize investment and collect revenue as long as possible. If the EN user base evaporates over the next 3-5 years they will still come out ahead. To see where B.S. head is really, see the WSJ article (7/17/23) at this link. The Viral AI App That’s Triggering Baby Fever The photo-editing service Remini can generate realistic family portraits with virtual children https://www.wsj.com/articles/want-to-see-your-future-babies-this-viral-app-can-show-you-f4f65bdd?st=oqfpw9t8kqayibr&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink\ Apparently a person (presumably a woman) uploads photos of themself to the app, and using AI it generates image versions that are pregnant, or surrounded by imagined images of genetically similar synthetic children or infants. The co-founder of Bending Spoons (who owns the app) Matteo Danieli, is interviewed in the article. The synergy of this app with Evernote is immediately obvious, an exercise left to the reader. The real question is what's next for me. Zoho Notebook looks interesting. https://www.zoho.com/notebook/ The real lesson is pick who you depend on carefully. .
  11. Hmmm. An app I hadn't heard about. Given Evernote's difficulty in getting their act together, for me it deserves a look. Clipping web pages is the most important, though not only, feature I use. On the upside, Upnote gets frequent IOS updates, meaning someone is paying attention. And it's cheap, though lifetime fees always make me wonder how long the developer will stay motivated. On the down side, the Firefox Add-on (my daily browser) doesn't seem to get the same level of attention, and gets relatively poor reviews, even compared to EN. Of course, even with EN getting and increasing their monthly fees, they don't seem all that motivated either. Needs more research. EN stores years of my data, and I rely on them to not either have insecure access, or lose everything. So far, as far as I know, they haven't failed in this part of the job. Upnote documentation states that my data would be stored on "the Firebase server located in the United States." At the moment I know nothing about this. .
  12. The same bug appears, is fixed, re-appears, fixed again. I think this cycle has happened 3 times, maybe more for this particular problem. To me this indicates a poorly managed software development process. A pretty standard way of testing is to include fixed bugs in a software regression test suite so they don't get re-introduced into the product and dumped (again) on your users. As to niche detail - possibly for you, but not for me (and apparently others here). Clipping web pages is the key use case of EN for me - the most important thing it has to do well. Maybe almost doubling the EN price will improve the professionalism of the software team. Just a hope... .
  13. Same here. It does seem like Evernote has lost control of this part of the product.
  14. Yup... the change was a change, not a fix. Instead of always going to Main notes, it now goes to last notebook. Smart no more. Evernote... 2 steps forward, one step back.
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