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About dpotenzi

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  1. The latest "improvement" to the iOS Evernote app goes me a default set of options that 99% of the time are not useful for me. I have to select my user icon then choose "My Widgets" to get the features I need. In an earlier version, it defaulted to My Widgets but no more. I'm open to a quick solution, but have not found one yet. Evernote, if you are monitoring this thread, please address this functional user need.
  2. That solution, shift+tab, does not work so well for me. If it's a new note, yes, it can use the first line of text as the title. But I either have to erase or use that text in the body of the note. Perhaps I'm idiosyncratic, but I like to put data in the title that I don't want in the text, such as a number string for a date: "2022-10-03" or a smart aleck term that puts the note in perspective. Neither of which is helpful in the note text itself. When there already is text, Evernote interprets the keystrokes as a reverse Tab, meaning if it's indented, it outdents the text. It's a minor irritation, but still slows me down.
  3. I've seen that function. My issue is that a new note used to start in the title field as a separate entity. Going from the title to the note text involved hitting the Tab key. Simple and direct. The new approach requires using a mouse or trackpad, thus taking fingers off a keyboard and then returning them to home position. Once that's done you can add text to a note. In my opinion, this may satisfy some who prefer a new option, but I'd like to have the previous functionality restored as an option. Granted, this is the smallest of potatoes. But it is a daily irritant to me.
  4. My apologies for my earlier emotional post. I meant not to offend but to raise awareness of what I saw as a step backward in functionality. I have edited the original post to remove the shouting. I will endeavor to inform and persuade in the future.
  5. My apologies for my intemperate post earlier. I am editing the original to remove the offending font. I use a Mac. New notes used to set the focus to the title. That disappeared a while ago. Having the focus start in the title field seems intuitive to me. The removal of this function is irritating and costs me a few seconds with every new note I create. Please fix the issue.
  6. Sometime in the last couple of updates, the ability of Evernote to fill in a date using a keyboard shortcut that follows the Mac OS (Big Sur) formatting stopped. Dates used to follow system settings (I prefer YYYY-MM-DD). Since late 2020 (I think), they default to Month Day, Year. Not what I want. Any potential for a fix?
  7. Mac user (Big Sur). Dates used to follow system settings (I prefer YYYY-MM-DD). Since late 2020 (I think), they default to Month Day, Year. Not what I want. Any suggestions for a fix?
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