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Posts posted by AdmiralP

  1. It's a useful tool.

    Takes some getting used to - if you find yourself with a checklist, you can remove it by going to the "More" dropdown and unclicking the Checklist option , you can then select the text you want to add a checkbox to...

    Or at the end of your checkbox line press ctrl+enter - that doesn't create a checklist after the initial checkbox

    Perhaps not wholly intuitive - rather than placing a checkbox at the start when you add some text, you need to add the checkbox after you've out your text in (I think(

    BUT - it's a bug because it doesn't follow the same process as in the iOS or Android versions - see Stacey Harmon's video explanation of this new feature: https://www.harmonenterprises.com/blog/evernote-feature-training-checkboxes-checklists-ios10


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  2. Browsing the table of shortcut keys  available (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004807-Keyboard-shortcuts-in-Evernote-for-Windows), I was pleased to find rthat there's a shortcut to "Set focus to note list" (Ctrl + Alt + \).

    Next to that combination there are entries for "Move back" (Ctrl + [) and "Move forward" (Ctrl + ]).
    However, I can't figure out what exactly these shortcuts are meant to do. What exactlty is meant to be moved back or forward? 
    Please can someone shed some light on my befuddled brain as to what the purpose of these shortcuts is?
    Having tried them at various points, I detect nothing beinbg moved...

  3. Hi Dave-from-Decatur -

    Yes same dare/time controls in the Web client and the Windows v10.1.7 version.
    The half hour setting isn't a problem for me personally - I'm just using the reminder to flag notes on specific days, the time isn't critical/

    It puzzles me that the date/time controls for editing the Date Created in the Note Info window are different. There you can specify the time in minutes.



    • Thanks 1
  4. Setting Reminders and marking them as done is an important part of my workflow.

    It would be good if there was a shortcut that would open up the Add/edit Reminder window, rather than having to move the mouse to the bottom of the screen and find the icon to click; I see this as a usability improvement.

    Also - when editing a reminder, it would also be helpful if you could navigate between the buttons and around the calendar picker using tab.cursor keys /


  5. To expand on this problem, in the first screen shot (ENv10 Note List 1.png), I;ve selected the second note in the list ("Garage Sort") which is displayed in the Note pane where it shows it was last updated on Oct 20th 2020. In the Note List [ane, the creation date is shown as "18 hours ago", but this screen shot was taken before 15:00 on 20th Oct, so 18 hours ago is actually 19th October. 

    In the second screen shot (ENv10 Note List 2.png) you can see the Note Info for the selected note which shows that I had already edited the Note Creation Date to become 21st October.

    So the date shown in the Created column of the Note List does not seem to near a relationship with what is shown on the Note Info display.

    There is some bug here which doesn't seem to interpret the Creation Date correctly in the Note List.

    I think this needs fixing.


    ENv10 Note List 1.png

    ENv10 Note List 2.png

  6. Hi Mike P and agsteele -
    Yes, I saw that "ToC-style" notes could still be created - but having been so used to having a menu option for it, it feels like I'm being slowed down in the process. I like the flexibility just wondered why the old option isn't available as well?

    "There are several threads which deal with this." - that may be, but it's difficult to find commonality between threads. I hope EN staff are doing work behind the scenes to consolidate the issues being raosed/

    Overall I'm liking v10, but feel slightly frustrated by the missing options/short cuts from the Legacy version.
    And I still can't find what changed between v10.1.6 and v10.1.7... even id was just something like "stability issues" or "minor fixes", it would be nice to be informed of the reason for a new release.

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