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Everything posted by random9q

  1. That’s not a fix from what I’m seeing. I came here to confirm the issue as reported. Of COURSE if the note is open on two or more devices at the same time, that could create duplicates. This isn’t that. This has happened to me half a dozen times during this past week.* This feels more along the lines of: A note is being EDITED on one device, and continually expanded. Leaving the note and coming back into it in the same device, while also having another note-taking session going on in another device and bopping between them irregularly, something seems to be triggering the note auto-save (as is normal) but then during a sync cycle somehow it’s being falsely flagged as divergent from the previously saved copy, AS IF it’s open elsewhere. Perhaps because I’m leaving my desktop client running and likely also have at least my phone client and possibly also my tablet client foregrounded. With three separate clients going, and different ACTUALLY unique notes being created on them at different times all fairly close together, that does trigger a three-way reconciliation, but they seem to proceed at vastly different speeds. Just by luck! Most of the time they’re fast when it’s the client in front of me that I’m typing in, but it seems as if they cannot ALL be fast at the same time.** *( I’m having a “vacation at home” week so of COURSE I get the itch to jot down several new ideas and do a little bit more of the organizing I feel I’m behind on. In addition to the relaxing and goofing off. I only mention this in footnote to say I’m only suddenly seeing more of this this week because I’m using it heavily this week, not because something about this issue became worse this week! But it has given me multiple occasions to witness it… ) **( And yes, sometimes I have all three screens up, this week. Yes, that’s both terribly inefficient and terribly efficient at the same time. It’s a bit of a dervish dance of note-taking when it happens and I sort of hate it because it means my focus is in tatters but it’s better to record the ideas and get it over with than put that off, because then at least I can REGAIN focus, eventually. As opposed to significant parts of my mind acting like out of control flywheels in the background. )
  2. This is literally a go/no-go for tasks for me. I will be unable to use tasks in Evernote as a task management system until and unless that’s a feature. That said, I can understand why for some folks the added feature might be a deal breaker. But for me, it’s a solid “yes, please, and thank you.”
  3. Especially for those of us who code for a living and might see fit to add code scraps in a notebook? (Such as when learning a new language, copying in specific design patterns we need into notebooks, or even develop idiosyncratic notation inside comments that help flag certain comments as bookmarks or documentation fields within the comment.) I can see a lot of reasons this would be beneficial. Being able to switch search into and out of an “advanced syntax” in which we can issue escape characters to specify literals for the search. Or even just a special way to quote part of the search query such that within it all characters are treated as literals.
  4. Ooh! Could we maybe even make this super easy to toggle between search sets, somehow? I could totally see turning OFF searching inside my inbox by default, but when I want to sort my inbox searching ONLY within my inbox.
  5. I think this’d be a fantastic help. Not for every reminder, but the wish definitely has come up for me when I’ve added a reminder.
  6. I’m not… yet. Well, one or two tests of it to confirm I understand the current state of it. So at least that much. But that’s not much. Ive got far too many routine things I need to keep track of. And to keep them on my radar, I need recurring tasks and the ability to vary the frequency at which they recur. (Every day, 2 days, 3 days, 5 days, 91 days, annually, weekly, that sort of thing… with the ability to choose between the next recurrence being after completion or after the due date.) It makes certain kinds of tasks more succinctly describable. For instance, if I want to train myself in a specific tech, I’ll put “study X” down as a task, and maybe set it to every other day, and have it reschedule for two days after completion. It doesn’t matter as much which chapter or article or whatnot so long as I do, in fact, study it. If I need to study a particular aspect, I note that as a separate task, and generally by the time I’m ready to get specific I’ll turn that repeating task off. Similarly for my musical work, paintings, certain chores to be sure to stay on top of. I remember reading that it’s one of the most requested features, and promised, so I eagerly await giving it a spin. But I can’t move my task management system to it until it’s there. It’s a go/no-go feature for me. 🙂 But it’s fine. I’m not pouting about it or anything, just being a little bit contrarian and noting some qualifying threshold for some of us hasn’t been crossed, yet. It could easily be the case there’s a need for a product without repeating due dates in order to fulfill someone else’s workflow, and I respect that. (It would make it just a bit more manual in ways that force certain awarenesses and decisions to come to the fore, after all.) I have something else I use for now (Todoist). If and when the features meet my requirements, I’ll give it another go and see if I’d like to practice using it daily.
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