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Everything posted by RayneS

  1. I don't use Google Calendar anymore, only Outlook. So looking forward to this feature. Can't come soon enough.
  2. Welcome! I also use Todoist, but Evernote Tasks is far from ready in my opinion to ditch Todoist. It's too basic for what I need it for. Maybe in time. :)
  3. Ah okay, now I understand. Just did that, so it works... Just looks horrible. Hopefully they can pretty it up soon.
  4. I'm unable to set up links in tasks. There isn't even an option for that for me. Evernote is updated to the latest version, so not sure what the issue is.
  5. Yeah, it was. My other apps opened quickly, but for some reason Evernote was lagging.
  6. Fixing these issues should be the priority for them, NOT the adding of new features! We shouldn't have to bend over backwards to get things to work the way it should (and has in the past).
  7. Other than the speed issues already mentioned, since the newest (so-called speed improvements) update, Evernote gets stuck for 20-40 seconds every now and then. It's extremely frustrating!
  8. I'm having the same issue. Had to bring up some documents that were saved and synced (so I thought) before I left home, but when I got to the embassy it took at least 10 minutes to try to get what I needed. The agent wasn't impressed, so yeah, I was embarrassed.
  9. I'm not a fan of emojis or icons in Evernote (or any app aside from messaging). I would also love to see the addition of colours in notebooks and labels.
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