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  1. Yeah, @DaveM I'm gonna wait until I have some useful info to hand over. I'm going to follow your lead and try events with and without notes, etc
  2. Hi all! Received a message from support suggesting this may be fixed in 10.43.7, but I'm still seeing it. None of my impacted events are repeating events, for example; looking at my last three Saturdays, I can see repeating events for all of them, but one-off events for any given two will appear momentarily and then "pop out" again. Refreshing the browser just randomises which days are affected. This is a bit of a Schrödinger's cat ... 😺🧰 The calendar widget does feel snappier overall, so I can see some work has been going on behind the scenes. After some patience (!) I was able to send support a screen recording of events appearing and then "popping out" a second later. I'm going to have a deep dive into this again; clear all my caches and see if I can pinpoint exactly what is liable to cause the problem. What are you guys seeing?
  3. Thanks @josiahcsmith! - I'll wait and see what happens ....
  4. lol! Nah - that bit works fine; you can actually connect up to five accounts on the professional tariff.
  5. I'm seeing this too 😕 It's making any productive use of the note / events link impossible. @agsteele I have to go further - clearing all the EN cookies in my browser (I'm on the web) and then re-connect both my gcal accounts (I use two) to get the events to reappear in the widget. Then random ones will disappear - ie; they will "flash" on screen for a moment, and then vanish until I go through the "delete cookies" palaver again. Interestingly; when I have a note connected to a couple of events on the same day and click on the calendar button, each will show only that event, but not the others. The calendar widget will remain blank. @josiahcsmith- I wonder if you reported this to support, and how far you got?
  6. Support just informed me (thank you!) this is fixed in 10.42. Update hasn't rolled out here yet, but I'll give it some robust attention when it does. @DrFrankBuckwe have British Summer Time in the UK which also seems to cause no end of difficulties, especially when dates and times are being pulled from one system into another.
  7. Thanks @agsteele - I just heard back, they're seeing the same issue and it's been passed to the technical team.
  8. Hi - I'm going to raise a support ticket and link this thread; I wanted to find out if anyone else is seeing this, or maybe has a solution I have two Google calendars linked to my account. Now "all of a sudden" ... All-day events are showing on the day before they are due, as well on the day itself. I unsubscribed from both calendars, cleared all the caches etc, but the bug persists across all my devices. Anybody else seeing this? It's making the calendar widget pretty unusable at the moment ... TIA!
  9. This is a beautiful hack: I stole it immediately for my system! I keep a lot of "backlog" jobs in checklists, and convert them individually to tasks when they need to show up in the "tasks" workflow. This layout actually makes it look like a table. Genius! Thanks for posting!
  10. Thanks - will report; I tend to have multiple docs attached, so I'm turning them into descriptive hyperlinks as I use them 😕 As to the note title focus; I'm checking my other extensions for a conflict. Ta!
  11. Hi - I've only seen these issues since the latest update (10.38.2) and I wanted to pick others' brains before raising a ticket. When a Google document of any kind is attached, it now only shows the link address, with a forever-updating progress bar. If I link the document again, elsewhere in the note, the new attachment will have the proper title, and the title of the first attachment will correct itself. When starting a new note, the cursor changes focus to the file list after the first character is typed. For example, if I was typing "Evernote", the new note would be titled "E". (I have the file list in card mode, if that makes any difference) I've deleted all cookies, logged out and logged in again, etc, etc - which usually sorts my problems. Is anyone else seeing this? (Chrome 102.0.5005.75 ) Any suggestions to mitigate before I raise a ticket? TIA
  12. I get this a lot - but clearing the cache always works for me. I've even got a hotkey set up! I get "green circled" most days; sometimes twice a day. I know if there's no progress bar within a few seconds - or worse; I get the "Hold on while we get you back to work" pop-up - then I've got a reset coming. Web-only user; pro plan. I think it has something to do with having multiple instances of EN open across several virtual desktops.
  13. This! Also 100% agree on power of having tasks sit inside your notes, instead of attaching your notes onto a task. It really plays to EN's strengths, when you get used to it.
  14. I've been getting this issue most days for a month or so; if the green progress bar across the top doesn't appear, it's never going to load. For me, starting EN in a new window can sometimes get me the green spinner of doom while existing EN instances in another window keep working fine. Support suggested clearing the EN cache, and while that did work, I've found closing all the browser windows usually sorts it, and a restart always does. It seems to be linked to reconnecting to wifi after a suspend, for me at least, but I haven't managed to suss out an easy workaround so far.
  15. Yeah - I also find this surprisingly useful. I've often forget that I've already researched the "best answer" to something, and yeah - it does "spark" new ideas, on occasion. You do need to have a fair amount of appropriate content in your EN, though, or it's just going to be like a magic 8-ball.
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