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Mel Matsuoka

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  1. Can you explain how this works, exactly? I've also been playing around with Obsidian, and have been finding basic image (not PDF) annotation to be its biggest weakness. I previously installed the Excalidraw plugin as the closest workaround, based on information on various Obsidian forums, but it always seemed incredibly convoluted and unintuitive. I was hoping there was a simple right-click-on-image and select "Annotate" type of workflow.
  2. It’s incredibly sad and frustrating that users have to resort to submitting a feature request for a “conflict comparison” or conflict resolution tool, when the proper “feature” would be for Evernote to not constantly create note conflicts in the first place! The problem is seemingly getting worse with every passing day. This wasn’t a serious issue in the past (in the “Legacy” app days), but I have this problem literally every day now, and there seems to be little acknowledgement of the problem—let alone actual interest in fixing it—by the Evernote team. It makes me wonder where my money for my Premium account is going?
  3. I constantly have this issue, across multiple instances of Evernote on macOS and iOS. It's truly infuriating. I would occasionally have this issue with the Legacy app, so I switched to the current version of the desktop app, hoping that the issue would go away. But alas, the note duplication is significantly more frequent with the Evernote 10 desktop app on macOS.
  4. @rezecib Changing the Mac's auto-formatting settings for double quotes is NOT a "solution". It's just a "workaround", and quite an undesirable one, because in other applications (e.g. Rich Text word processing documents, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.), I do want "smart quotes" when I'm typing A "code block" feature is useless if it does not allow you to enter text as literal characters, regardless of source (typed in or via pasting). Every text editor on the planet that purports to be a "text editor" does not auto-format code like Evernote does, and it really needs to be fixed if they are going to call this feature a "code block" in good conscience. If you can't trust that your code is actually valid code when entered into an Evernote document, then they should remove this feature until it can be fixed.
  5. Changing the Mac's auto-formatting settings for double quotes is NOT a "solution". It's just a "workaround", and quite an undesirable one. A "code block" feature is useless if it does not allow you to enter text as literal characters, regardless of source (typed in or via pasting). Every text editor on the planet that purports to be a "text editor" does not auto-format code like Evernote does, and it really needs to be fixed if they are going to call this feature a "code block" in good conscience. If you can't trust that your code is actually valid code when entered into an Evernote document, then they should remove this feature until it can be fixed.
  6. Just wanted to follow up on this post to confirm that this was the only thing that worked for me to get rid of the continual EvernoteSpotlight crashing. I performed this procedure on 1/13/2020, and as of today, have not had a single EvernoteSpotlight crash. Thanks for the info!
  7. Adding my maddening experience to this thread: I have an iPhone XS (512 GB). Latest iOS 12 and Evernote app updates. With my Evernote account, which dates back to 2008 (meaning that I have a TON of notes), it literally takes FIVE SECONDS to open a note from the time I tap on it in a notebook. ”Uninstalling then reinstalling” the EN app is not a solution, because I have done that many, many times before as a troubleshooting procedure. But the situation always returns. i just think this is indicative of the overall lack of attention to software quality that has sadly become standard operating procedure at Evernote over the past few years.
  8. I paste in a lot of code into Evernote documents (usually from Sublime Text), and am constantly annoyed when my double-quotes are converted into "curly quotes" when I paste them into Code Blocks. Is there a way to disable this? It drives me crazy!
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