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Posts posted by EdH

  1. 3 minutes ago, OrbWeaver said:

    I don't suppose it much matters as long as we know exactly what is going to be pasted in every time. It can't be pasting one thing this time and then look different the next time we grab something. It's either match style or not, as long as it's consistent. I'd prefer text only just because I then know exactly what to expect. When I have to sit and figure out what just caused things to get screwed up, it's a pain. Was it a header that changed everything in my spacing? Did a hyperlink just send me to never-never-land? Where did those extra lines come from? Just keep it consistent and people might adapt. Maybe. Possibly. Sorta. Kinda.

    Like it or not, Office sort of sets the expectation here, and "Paste as Text" means text only, and that is what you get and users clearly understand everything but the text (ASCII) is stripped out. Clean and simple.

    The other app that sets expectations is Chrome with its "paste as plain text." Again, no ambiguity there at all.

  2. 5 minutes ago, tavor said:

    The point of software is to meet consumer desires, not some purist goal. With that in mind, they could request user feedback on this - i.e., would users prefer Paste and Match Style work the way it used to or enhanced by retaining hyperlinks? My guess is the latter would win by a landslide.

    Or provide another option, i.e., Paste and Match Style (Retain Hyperlinks).

    They could. then you are left with a Paste Special dialog box like Office apps have with 6+ choices unless you are in Excel, where there are at least 30 110 combinations of ways to paste. (yes, I counted, and that still excludes the conditional format pasting options)

    But, if you say in any of those text only (values in Excel), it is crystal clear what you are getting.

  3. 1 minute ago, tavor said:

    I'd like hyperlinks to be retained, but that's it. Hyperlinks are easier to remove than to add.

    All the formatting - font, font size, line spacing, indents, etc. should all be stripped out and match the style of the target EN note.

    Beats me why EN thought that users wanted Paste and Match Style to retain formatting if the source material is encoded as a header. All of the comments I've seen since this was introduced in v6.6 have been opposed to this.

    If they keep hyperlinks, they should keep feature X, Y, and Z too. 

    Either it is text, or it is mystery meat.

  4. 1 minute ago, tavor said:

    I'd like hyperlinks to be retained, but that's it. Hyperlinks are easier to remove than to add.

    All the formatting - font, font size, line spacing, indents, etc. should all be stripped out and match the style of the target EN note.

    Beats me why EN thought that users wanted Paste and Match Style to retain formatting if the source material is encoded as a header. All of the comments I've seen since this was introduced in v6.6 have been opposed to this.

    If they keep hyperlinks, they should keep feature X, Y, and Z too. 

    Either it is text, or it is mystery meat.

  5. 9 minutes ago, tavor said:

    I can confirm that CTRL+SHIFT+V (Paste and Match Style) does not work as it did in v6.5. In v6.6, CTRL+SHIFT+V does not reliably strip out the source formatting.

    This is a deal breaker for me on 6.6. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, otherwise I'll have to roll back to 6.5.

    My workaround for now is to paste into Notepad++, then copy again and paste into Evernote. There is no formatting to go with it. You can do the same with Notepad built into Windows.

    Not ideal, but workable.

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/3/2017 at 7:46 PM, KevinB62 said:

    Add INDENT to Evernote!! It's even a feature on this forum (just look above) but not on the Evernote app! 

    Indent is a basic feature of any word processor, note taking application, etc.


    It is there - per the screen shots @DTLow provided. On the Windows and iOS platform though, it is on the tool bar as it should be. For some reason on the Mac, you are supposed to remember a triple keystroke combo. It isn't a shortcut because a shortcut is a shorter way to do something that you can do another way. On the Mac, it is the only way to do it. :(

  7. What is so INSANELY frustrating about this is the Windows client has been able to do this for years - since merge was introduced. I am to the point on my Mac when I want to merge stuff, I just tag it with temporary tags, then when I get to my PC, I find those tags, do the merges, and remove the tags.

    Sadly, they are probably working on another new feature for Macs that no one is asking for, and this one will still be talked about in 2019.

    • Like 2
  8. See the discussion here. There should be a syntax to search for words that contain the hash symbol. Preferably "#example" would find all instances of #example and not just example.

    For example, I use notes for Microsoft's M Language, which has several functions like #date(), #datetime(), #infinity, etc. I cannot search for those it seems. No matter what I do, I get date, datetime, infinity with or without the # symbol.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Meraig said:

    EverNote dev team -- please put a standard Sync button UP FRONT  in every product like the one in the desktop.  I do Notes on my iPhone and on my iPad, and I want them to sync so that when I get back to my desktop system of record, the new content is there for me.

    on IOS, they implemented the standard "pull to refresh" gesture, so just pull down your list of notes. Most apps with refresh-able data use this gesture.

    Notes unsync'd show a tiny green triangle in the upper right after you have gone back to the note list, and as long as you have a connection, it will sync up very quickly. The only time I ever have multiple triangles is when I am on a plane or somewhere with no service so all changes are pending sync.

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 3/7/2017 at 4:50 PM, Austin G said:

    @EdH I've only skimmed the previous posts, so sorry if I overlooked something, but here is what I think is going on....

    If you're on WIN10, the windows OS shortcuts will override Evernote shortcuts. When your screen flashes, the WIN OS is saving those clips in your "screenshots" folder (C:\users\username\pictures\Screenshots).

    Try changing the "Capture Screen" keyboard shortcut in Evernote from Win+PrintScreen to something that the Windows OS doesn't use (WIN+SHIFT+S). Use the new shortcut, and press/hold the ctrl key before you release your mouse when capturing the screen clip with the cross hairs. This should save the clip to your clipboard and not a new note. 

    @Austin G - thanks. That would explain some of the issues. I need to play with the settings on Windows 10. I've also installed Snagit and may go with that so I can get a more consistent behavior between my Win10 and macOS installation, but either way, thanks for the clarification on what may be going on.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, csihilling said:

    If I hit Alt-P and then click I get a clip of the window in which I clicked in a note, hold Ctrl and click and the clip of the window is on the clipboard.  (I edited my previous post wherein I stated Alt-P and click captured the screen, it just captures the window clicked in, oops)

    Your EN doesn't work this way?

    No, as stated above.

    When I do the "Capture Screen" shortcut, I get one of two things:

    1. if my laptop is standalone just one monitor, I get a capture of the full screen. Everything. Like the old PRT-SCRN in Windows. The screen momentarily flashes gray when it does this. there is no time to grab the mouse and click anything when it flashes.
    2. If I am at work and my laptop is docked, the screens both flash gray, and nothing get saved to Evernote or the clipboard, or anywhere else. Apparently EN's full screen capture facility either doesn't understand multiple monitors, or it doesn't understand one HDPI and one regular DPI monitor.

    On my machine, "Capture Screen" does exactly that. When I manually select "Clip Screenshot" I get the faded out screen and crosshairs and I can draw my rectangle any way I like.

    BUt as noted in the OP, it only creates a New Note in Evernote. Nothing is on the clipboard, so I have to the 9 steps when I am in a note and documenting to get a screen capture in the current note.

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