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Everything posted by M31415926

  1. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and rational exposition. On thinking how Evernote can reach these minimum, I think Evernote should not try to reinvent the wheels but rather be open and pick the right priority. For examples, two way links between Evernote task and Google (or other) task/calendar should be implemented asap. The one current strength of searching should be enhanced further in terms of searching for backlinks etc.
  2. The Evernote currently hides the sync button and shows no information regarding sync status. This practice is not magic but demonstrates their poor software design. All remote cloud services tell the user the status whether the edits have synced or not!
  3. I think our users need not to apologize for Evernote. Rather we need Evernote to answer our request and do the right thing to keep us as customers. Very sad for Evernote. It seems they intend to lose their Business.
  4. In the report I shared that you add a line of text in a web-clip note, Evernote most often will not see this edit. No matter how long you wait, the edit will be lost. In some rare occasions, a duplicate note will appear: one with the edit and the other the original web clip. This behavior has nothing to do with the internet connection. It has everything to do with Evernote code itself. By the way, Evernote tech support is quite disappointing. I have opened a bug report and have conversions with a help desk representative. The bug still stands after one month. It is indeed wise for Evernote to stop developing all other features and put all their resources to fix such ugly sync bugs. No one, even a fan of Evernote, will stay if their notes can be just gone silently.
  5. It is wise for Evernote to stop developing all other features until they fix such an ugly bug.
  6. Thanks all for pointing to potential solutions. To reproduce what I experienced, just open a note which contains a clipped web page and add one line of text before the web clip. The added line will be silently discarded or a duplicate note will appear. This behavior is for the latest version of Evernote on windows 10.
  7. The Evernote sync troubles were posted often in this community and Evernote is supposed to work hard on solving this problem. However, my personal experience on Evernote Sync is worsening. With the newest version of Evernote on windows, a simple edit of one existing note will produce either a duplicate note, the edits were just silently discarded, or both. This syncing trouble happens even when the Android Evennote is not involved. I wonder what is the experience from others. How can this trouble persist judging from the long threads of user complaints and bug reports? I believe the priority of Evernote is wrongly placed. They should place all their resources to iron out the data loss and sync issue. It is wise for them to stop developing all other features until they fix such an ugly bug.
  8. The newer version of Evernote has numerous bugs in syncing as well documented by other posts in this forum. The rational solution at this moment is to ask Evernote to provide a Sync Now button in their app. Please replace the rarely used setting button by a Sync Now button (with the current sync status) asap. Evernote please take this action. The nasty sync bugs are forcing the users to abandon Evernote.
  9. Are you pasting into note the MathType formula as an image? Then it should work! Test whether pasting a different image works. Request an urgent fix from Evernote if not.
  10. I fully agree the importance of a manual sync button. Furthermore, a sync button with the progression status and the way to configure the frequency for background sync is needed. It should also be prominently displayed!
  11. This is the incompetence of the Evernote product team. They should keep the old Android app and only release a newer version once they are thoroughly tested for these basic functions! A sync button with progression status will solve many such small yet critical issues. Why is such a button not there? In particular, the automatic sync seems to be algorithmically fraud at this moment, which leaves many corner cases wrong.
  12. I did search for the title string of the current note as a proxy to find backlinks too. The solution is not clean though. The implementation of searching for backlinks as a new type of search in EN should be straightforward but it will enable many potentials. If EN is listening, it will be a no-brainer to do this as one of the HIGHEST priorities NOW!
  13. One attraction for Evernote is that it aims to be frictionless in taking and organizing notes. The recent update of Evernote has made the insertion a reference to other notes easier. However it is cumbersome to list all the notes which are referencing the current note, the so-called backlinks. Evernote does not implement a command to show these backlinks. The implementation of showing backlinks for one or multiple selected notes inside Evernote will make Evernote meaningfully more powerful. Essentially the most useful part of Zettelkasten has been achieved by just adding this one straightforward command.
  14. One side effect I am afraid about the backlinks is that the backlinks will become a distraction when the number of backlinks exceed some threshold. Maybe manually adding the backlinks, if needed, is a better approach.
  15. The desired behaviour is that the tasks in the future without due days may only show up periodically. Say they are mostly hidden and only show up once a week. Mike
  16. Looking into the most cost effective way for enhancing the Evernote capability, back linking (bidirectional linking) is No 1.
  17. I would emphasize the minimal design of tasks is good rather than bad. The reproduction of a complete task management system is not desirable at all! What is missing is a two way sync of the Evernote tasks to Google tasks (not Google calendar). Then every task features can be delegated to Google tasks. Subtasks can be easily emulated by including a checklist under a task or by using multiple tasks inside one note. Subtask feature is a waste. Min
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