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Posts posted by fredhammersmith

  1. For the last couple of weeks, I had a new bug on my two Android devices (S6 tablet, Note 20 phone).

    Let's say I did not touch Evernote for a couple of hours. If I use the Evernote clipper ("sharing" feature) on any web page, a red window will briefly appears (but i won't have time to read the message on this red screen). And then i will be back on the page I was trying to clip. Nothing happened.

    Each and every time, I will have to switch to Evernote, close it and re-open it. Then go back to the page i was trying to share. Then I will be able to share it with Evernote.

    Not a catastrophe, just weird and time consuming.

  2. 10 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    For the whole folder is probably the better approach. There is a database, plus a ton of folders. It’s better to keep all this together.

    So, just to be sure.

    I close Evernote.

    I move the Evernote folder to my desired location.

    I drop a symbolic link to this new Evernote location in the former location.

    I reopen Evernote. All the notes are there.

    Sounds right?

    • Like 1
  3. Hi all...

    Well, I have a personal account since... forever.

    Over 45 000 notes, on a Windows client (quite good) and a couple of Android clients (not very good).

    I am considering the switch to a pro account. Why?

    Bolean searches...

    My search results are ridiculously long and very often completely useless. I need bolean.

    But do they work well? Do they work fast? 

  4. It is a bit weird and I want to understand how come it works that way.

    I like before the beginning of the workday, to manage my previous day notes: move them to the appropriate notebook, title them in a better way, tag them. Soft work that I do on my Android client (Samsung S6 tablet).

    Changing a title is really fascinating. You type the new title, then you have to look at Evernote working on a pace that reminds 1993. The preivous title reappear, then slowly it changes, one character at a time, in slow motion. And if you dare change something else in the note while this very slow process occurs, you may end up with 5, 6 copies of the note, each one a step towards the final version.

    What is this? What is my client doing actually? Can I help the process because it looks painful! 

  5. 5 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    The specs were in another thread about the subject. It’s an Android tablet, I think the screen may be a little less crisp than an iPads display*, but it should do.

    (*) My mother has a Samsung tablet, and it is ok, but side by side with an iPad you notice the difference.


    5 hours ago, Boot17 said:

    One thing to note is that this is specific to your particular device's size and/or resolution. I have a three pane window on my 11" iPad Pro and I think the display is pretty great there (in both landscape and portrait). So if you haven't already, I think it might be helpful to note your device and device size in your support ticket. (But I want to validate your post and say I think you have a good point with your particular tablet display size.)

    Evernote can actually work better in portrait mode on Desktop if you have a big enough monitor (which most monitors are pretty big these days) like this. I never run Evernote on my Desktop in full screen on my 27" monitors because it's too wide. I really liked this post:


    Yes, sorry, the specifics of my case:

    Galaxy S6, so not the latest, but not old.

    5.1 inches, diagonal (almost 13 cm).

    From my pov, this is just a poor design choice. Nice to look at, not functional. The same way we can expand a note to fill the screen, we should be able to do the same for a note list. After all, tags lists and notebooks lists fill the screen. It is just the specific moment when we choose a notebook (or the notes panel) that we are stuck with a 3-panel view.

  6. 20 minutes ago, agsteele said:

    Ummm... Which version of the app do you have? Your screenshot looks nothing like anything in my Android app but exactly like my Windows app.

    Nonetheless, if that's what you have, there is no means of changing. However my Android app shows no sidebar and just the note list as you feel would be more useful.

    Evernote 10.47 (1128774).

    Is there a different version out there in Android? I'd be veryt interested because this one is very buggy!

    The Windows version has turned out quite well. Android? Not so much.


  7. 31 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Can just say about iOS:

    The annotation tools are still from the old Skitch app (which for iOS is available as a stand alone app in the AppStore as well), and they are just clumsy, old looking tools. Can be helpful, but today we are used to something more elegant, not this pixel style vintage 1990s.

    And then (since Pencil is iPad only) there is the problem of the broken zoom in annotation mode. Zoom works when viewing, but when entering annotation mode, zooming in is not possible any more. This is broken since the launch of v10 for iOS, and 2 years and many support tickets later, it is still broken.

    So there is annotation mode, but except for the most brutisch of annotations it is pretty useless.

    An nice alternative would be using Sketch (nicer tools, unlimited canvas, seamless zooming), but it only works on a blank canvas, it does not allow to import a picture or pdf as background.

    So even on iOS...

    Too bad, OneNote is not bad at all for this. And Samsung Notes is pretty great.

    Sometimes, it looks better not to offer a function than to offer a very bad one.

  8. I just wanted to check if other people share the problems I have with my Android clients. Maybe I just need to reinstall Evernote. Or maybe Android Evernote is still buggy. The Windows client is so improved that I am always a little surprised (and bummed) when I go back to my Android devices. Please note I have 40 380 notes and 534 notebooks.

    My problems:

     - changing the sort order of a notebook will freeze the app... or it will take 2, 3 full minutes.

    - when I want to share something to Evernote, it won't work at all the 1st time. Evernote comes to the forefront, and that's it. I have to go back and share again, then it works. I use Chrome.

    - The same "note creation" may happen the next 5 or 6 times I open Evernote. Evernote just creates the same note over and over again.

    Generally speaking, the app is slow.

    I have a Samsung Note 20 and a Tab S6. Both behave the same way.

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