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Everything posted by Twitchly

  1. I just uninstalled then reinstalled the app. I can now clip notes from Safari again.
  2. I recently updated to Evernote 10.9 on my iPhone XS, running the latest iOS. Since updating, I can no longer clip anything from Safari into Evernote. It tells me I have clipped the article, but when I open Evernote, it’s not there. Shutting down Evernote and restarting it has no effect.
  3. Got a response from EN. They strongly suggest that I wait to upgrade until after my annual Plus subscription expires. (The app says it will expire on “invalid date,” so who knows.) And they said EN Web doesn’t work on mobile devices. So that was my adventure trying to upgrade to Premium.
  4. Thanks. It’s 3302578. I’ve requested a refund from Apple. And if I ever do decide to try to upgrade again, I’ll know to avoid doing it through the app. That’s assuming I’ll have access via the web again, which is also now broken for some reason. I’m a fan of Evernote, but this has been not been a good experience. To put it mildly.
  5. No thanks for the oozing condescension. The payment went through. The upgrade did not. If Evernote can’t handle Plus subscribers upgrading through the app, they might consider modifying the big “Upgrade!” links at the top of the screen that lead you to do just that.
  6. I just ran into the same problem. Upgraded to premium (from plus) via the iPhone app today. Got the confirmation email from Apple. No upgrade in the Evernote app, even after going through all the recommended steps. And now I can’t log in on the web at all. EN no longer recognizes my email address for login. 😞 I’ve sent an email to EN support. What a mess. I can’t recommend that anyone upgrade at this point.
  7. What is the scratch pad for? Is it essentially a new note? Do any of you use it, and if so, how?
  8. Well, it worked fine before the Evernote overhaul. Now it doesn’t. So I suspect Evernote broke something, and hopefully Evernote can fix it.
  9. @PinkElephant Thanks. Evernote calls it a “web clip.” Whatever it is, it’s much buggier than it used to be, which is unfortunate since it’s my primary use case for Evernote. I would much prefer not to have to go the PDF route, especially since they’re not searchable with my subscription plan. If that’s the only solution, I’d be better off just using Dropbox.
  10. I’m getting some blank clips. The title, tags, and URL come through, and the note’s thumbnail appears normal (includes a picture and opening lines from the article clipped). But the note just contains an empty “Web Clip” frame. Try clipping https://opusdei.org/en-us/article/5-remedies-against-sadness/ for an example. I’m running Evernote 10.5 on an iPhone XS, iOS 14.5. If no one else is seeing this problem, it may be because I’m running the beta version of 14.5.
  11. Never mind. For some reason Evernote wasn’t showing up as updatable on my phone. When I went to the app listing in the App Store, I discovered I wasn’t running the latest version after all. Just updated it, and it appears to be working now. Thanks.
  12. When I clip articles to EN from iOS, I always assign tags to the article. With the current version of EN, those tags may or may not sync back to EN. I always have to check. Sometimes only one tag comes through; sometimes no tags come through. I haven’t found a repeatable pattern. Using Safari on iPhone XS, latest version.
  13. I have this problem every time I try to clip something from the Wall Street Journal. At least it’s consistent. Could it be because of the subscriber paywall? (I’m a subscriber and am logged in when I try to clip something.) Using Safari on an iPhone XS, latest iOS.
  14. Actually, it also doesn’t work when I try to add a photo from my photo library. Basically, any time I try to send/clip something from elsewhere to Evernote, it doesn’t go through. Which is unfortunately my main use case for this app.
  15. No, on my phone it does not create a new note. It creates nothing. I’m using version 10.2. My iPad is using 10.0, and that works. I can clip pages, and they sync to my phone. So something broke in 10.2. Taking a screenshot and converting it to a PDF would not work for me; most of the things I clip are far too long for that.
  16. When I try to clip a page from Safari on my iPhone (XS, running latest iOS), I get all the prompts and add tags, then save. When I check the Evernote app (again iOS), the new clip isn’t there. Even after forcing a sync, the clip doesn’t appear. I’ve tried multiple clips; nothing.
  17. The ability to add tags again is good. Unfortunately, the clipper itself no longer works at all in iOS. I get a cheerful message in Safari saying the clip was successful, but when I try to find the new clip in Evernote, it’s not there.
  18. Not sure if others will find this helpful, but I have Evernote (desktop version) on my Mac and I can log in and out of it each time I use it. In the top menu, I click "Evernote" and then "Sign Out." Voila. Now no one can see any of my notebooks on my desktop. (I think this is what DTLow was referring to in this thread.) Seems like this would work fine for a multi-user computer, though not for someone who needs to lock only certain notebooks. FWIW, I'm a Premium user at the moment. Hopefully this feature is available to all (especially since I'm probably not going to renew my Premium license when it runs out; it's gotten too expensive for my needs).
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