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About aviaryan

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  1. I mean the export should only start once user has correctly entered their encryption password. I don't see how that is insecure in any way. Anyways, I found a script with decrypts encrypted enex files. Here is it if anyone else wants decrypted ENEX files. https://github.com/aviaryan/Evernote-Decrypt
  2. I was doing some research on how to export my encrypted notes in a usable format and this is what I came up with. https://github.com/aviaryan/Evernote-Decrypt Maybe it will help you as well.
  3. I am thinking about using Obsidian (+ scripts) for my regular text encryption needs. Encrypted text data tends to be valuable and I am done with all these proprietary programs leaving you to hang. Plus search doesn't work for encrypted text in Evernote. In case you want to learn more, check out - aviaryan(.)com/blog/obsidian-encryption There is also Standard Notes which comes with good encryption or Day One Journal in case you used encrypted text primarily for journalling. For one-off standalone notes that need to be encrypted, I am considering a password manager like Bitwarden. It allows export of data so I believe I will not be locked in.
  4. +1 to this request. Or is there some insight on what kind of encryption Evernote uses. Maybe we can write a script to decrypt it from HTML. Update - HTML Export of encrypted note contains nothing. Now that sucks.
  5. Went back to v7 for now. Will stay there for few months at-least, then decide. IMHO, one of the bigger features of Evernote was its light footprint and snappiness. Part of it could be because it was a native app. I am not sure that if it is worth sticking to Evernote if they want to switch to web technologies. There are more feature-rich alternatives like Notion or Roam Research in that case.
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