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Posts posted by HeBoIz

  1. I am seeing battery draining extremely quickly since full install with latest iPad update as well. Download or offline notes shouldn't be any reason. 

    2 small Notebooks with only a few notes fully downloaded. Slow connection with battery drain to All other notes.

    Additionally: ios app often stops oprning with "temporarily no access" while there is full working WLAN connection. Closing and killing the app with new Start helps, but only for some notes... 

  2. 16 hours ago, ferol said:

    Can you sent mi link for this - where you find solution for dataview with this thumbnails?  The only way I've found so far is to manually add a COVER image directly to properties. But I haven't yet made dataview to display the images directly inserted in the notes.. Only the Note Galery plugin works for me...

    The Obsidian-solution with dataviev plugin is to (manually) add or edit a COVER image in frontmatter is do write picture-link as wikilink in the (quoted) format: "![[picturename.png]]" (don't forget the quotes...). You can even set size in pixels like "![[picturename.png|150]]".

    This can be displayed in other notes with dataview-tables, best for example with cards-layout like in Minimal-Theme.

    To display the image directly inserted in the same note use simple inline dataview code like: `=this.logo` or `=this.cover`

    (little disadvantage of putting cover image-infos als property in capsuled frontmatter links is that this data will not be automatically updated by Obsidian in case of renaming the picture...) 

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, janndk said:

    Sorting notes by titel in stacks?

    yes, by title as well as by edit-date or creation-date, ascending or descending

    EDIT: Sorry an no, doesn't work for me in stacks (never needed anyway), only working in notebooks.  - My fault.

    (By the way: wouldn't expect Evernote to follow or answer here. Bending Spoon obviously doesn't use this forum the way the former team did. Can't blame then - mood in this forum got much to negative and sometimes ignorant for me as well...)

    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, jenlarcom said:

    'blank' file image in the preview but shows up correctly in the note itself

    This may be less a bug of new versions than a missing functionality for newer used or developing web-standards: I happen to see more clipped webp-pictures than pgn oder jpeg files. webp-pics show up correctly only in note-content, in preview, which may be developed for classic formats, they are displayed as blank file images.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    I don't think you can do merged cells in Markdown and they really look a mess in notepad when you have 10 columns and 125 rows with different lengths of content in them.

    as a matter of fact: there are no merged cells in Markdown (this would only work with asciidoc, but there is no comparable notetaking system for asciidoc like Obsidian)

    Advance-tables plugin nearly seems to be replaced  y newer core table-functions. These functions will create a rather readable plain text in the editor with adding additional whitespace (als long as you don't add more text or html-line-breaks in cells...). But for sure: complex tables are better in Evernote. 

    On the other hand: If you work with markdown you could and should structure text better with sections, headlines, indented lists than with tables... (tables with 10 columns and 125 rows or more should go to excel or sheets or numbers anyway)

    • Like 2
  6. The request to control which image is shown in a note's thumbnail/snippet view is open and unfulfilled since nearly 13 years (see for example following link). So opening a new thread and reporting issues with control over thumbnails likely wont't change anything. At least I wouldn't have to much faith in support to "just fix this".

    During the last decade EN has changed in many ways. This includes the hidden logic and algorythms how EN treads and changes thumbnails.

    It is reported that there had been a rather complicated algorythm how EN legacy managed thumkbnails, depending on size and extensions. Since we have EN 10 wich is now another couple of years ist seems like the first attachment wich is added to an note is chosen as thumbnail. This may lead to not wanted thumbnails oder grey block as placeholder.

    As thumbnails seems to be locally and separatly saved in specific databases handling fof thumbails may differ on workstation, os or mobile. And last but not least: these local thumbnail-images seem to be saved and displayed on windows or mac apps as long as there is at least one attachement left.

    The only workaround with existing note for changing thumbnails I know, is
    1. remove and save all attachements locally
    2. wait until note is fully synced with EN-servers and thumbnail finally is deleted and removed from note and
    3. upload wanted image for thumbnail first 
    4. wait until new thumbnail is saved and synced
    5. upload all other remaining images and attachements.

    Alltogether no solution für often and daily use...

    There may be many reasons why this isn't "just fixed" oder implemented. Cache- and database-handling may be very complicated. Additionally there may be need for a separate thumbnail-administration, including separate note history and restoring and so on. May be to much to do for onlay a part of users be on top-level of developement, still in these days...

    • Like 1
  7. O.k  welcome to the club. Couple of people where searching and asking for alternatives to EN Legacy since V10 came out, which is now years ago.

    Answers are different and very much depending on individual use cases, but obviously there is no 1:1 replacement for all Legacy-features. (which by the way are you missing?)

    And there seems to be a big group counting EN 10 to best alternative for Legacy, including me, …

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    Which makes it a pretty stupid file storage.

    But basing on local data Legacy probably may still be a pretty intelligent solution for fast access to older notes or date and for export / migration. 

    So as CalS said...

    4 hours ago, CalS said:

    unless BS drops a bomb into existing legacy users

    Legacy might be freezed in but should still be usable for these purposes. But without any doubt: Using Evernote for notetaking pkm etc. will better be done with EN 10.


    • Like 2
  9. 19 minutes ago, CalS said:

    It will stop syncing at some point which kind of defeats the purpose.  

    yepp - but for those who want to export their notes and migrate to other services EN Legacy and Legacy export functions may still be of some use for most of their notes for a certain time even without update by sync.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, jbj312 said:

    Anyone else having same issue

    Same issue in my case.

    EN-web-clipper used to offer special option "clip email(s) to Evernote". Emails would be clipped as HTML-Web-Clip including all attachements.

    Today ist the first time I realized that this feature seams to be broken in EN-web-clipper. No option to "clip email(s) to Evernote". Only standard options für ordinary web-pages. These Clippings don't include attachements (they just clip small preview pic for each attachements and links to gmail for each attachement).

    Since I use this quite regulary it must be a fresh bug.

    (Workaround may be: forward email do EN-email-address oder use additional EN-integration fpr gmail, which needs granted access to EN for 12 months)

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