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Second Renaissance

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Everything posted by Second Renaissance

  1. Keep It looks nice and interesting! Really love the interface. Very apple-esque. But it only for the Mac platform? As I both use Mac and Windows. Want some that is available on both platforms. And I would have to subscribe twice. 1 for the app and 1 for icloud.
  2. I am thinking of switching too. As 10 year user, I somewhat feel Evernote has betrayed me. I am all for innovation and change. But this is not the way. I am thinking of switching to Notion. Notion is really powerful. I am a heavy tag user. And Notion does not have a global tag view and no offline support. And nimbus notes does not have preview of images in the snipped list view.
  3. Would like to report that the iOS version is extremely laggy and garbage. It is practically unusable. I can't seem to open or search old notes smoothly. It is really embarrassing how a brilliant app as become an unusable app.
  4. It is ridiculous too that they have removed it! With the new unified code base, I want to see this feature on Windows, Mac, and ios.
  5. As a 10 years premium Evernote, I am utterly disappointed with the new version of the Evernote. Where the Remember View Settings option?? Please get you act together. I understand the idea behind unifying all the apps. "Remember View Settings" is one of the most important feature for me. And I want to see it on all version of Evernote (Mac, iOS and Windows). Thank you!
  6. I would like to see a password lock in screen for evernote. Something like 1Password style.
  7. I don't want to sound like a broken record. But having this feature on the mac and ios, is really driving me crazy. The remember view setting should be stored on the cloud rather then locally!
  8. When I click https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/218-evernote-for-mac-requests/ I can't see my post. The default sorting for the forum is by vote.
  9. Hello All, It is unfortunate and embarrassing that important ideas and features goes unnoticed due to the way this forum is criminally designed. A new idea will always have 0 votes and it will be impossible for anyone to see and will be sorted all the way back. As a paying user, I have been extremely patient with evernote for about 10+ years. Do the evernote team even care? If you care about the users, add this "Remember View Setting" for all the platform. Not just Windows, On the Mac, iOS and Android. Store the View Setting in in your cloud at user account level and per notebook level.
  10. Hello Evernote Team, I would like to know when is "Remember View Setting" is coming to Mac version of Evernote?? I have been a long time subscriber of Evernote, and it is absolutely frustrating that is a vital and essential option is not available on the Mac version. I have been patiently waiting for this option for the Mac version every day. But it is really driving me nuts! I use both mac and windows version day in and day out. I have ton and tons of notes for specific notebooks. And each notebook needs to be view and sorted differently. On windows, it is excellent. But on my mac, it becomes stupid and unproductive. When I need to switch views every time I jump between notebooks. I want "Remember View Setting" in the next beta of Mac version and an ability where the view settings are synced across all devices. Please don't say that you have forwarded it to the development team. Please make it happened and please escalate this feature. I have been your customer for 10+ years. Is it too much to ask for? I am not sure if you care about your long-time customers and the features that they want. Thank you!
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