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Everything posted by Laimonas

  1. great idea. I'd love to have collapse expand feature based on those headers.
  2. Hi I would disagree with absurd-stamp on this request note taking app is ALREADY more than note taking app, - it has task management, it has tables, it has many other bells and whisles. The table feature is already there, all we need is some simple, most used formulas like sum, count, - for the calculation prototype. If you want a full blown calculation - you copy paste to excel and continue. Just same as you copy paste text and continue in word if you need f.e. serial letter, or copy paste a sketch and continue in power point. It is the beauty of a digital note taking tool, that it becomes an universal mean of any drafts and notes!
  3. I support it! there's no way to group tasks by different contexts
  4. Reminders do "tickler" function for the GTDoists. Sure, Tasks can replace them. But then, look at the sort options for tasks: no sort by notebooks or tags either. Every index eats into performance? Well, use notepad instead, this is a very performant note taking app 🙂 Users pay for a dedicated note taking app, so that it has all the different sorting and grouping options.
  5. Hi there, cannott locate a survey to submit my feedback on Tasks(Calender beta has its own survey for feedback), - anyone can post a link or there is no specuific survey for Tasks ?
  6. Hi, bugs are clear, happens to all software producers, but what I miss is transparency, - what features will come back and what are lost forever.
  7. yes, I have same problem and I have a community of users following my setup advices on using GTD with Evernote, - so it's a problem. Evernote claims they are fixing things and bringing missing functionality, but there is no centainty which functions are on the roadmap and which are not! I hope more transparency for the next year, as there are a lot of voices out there asking for lost features
  8. New Evernote version reduced sort by option dramatically, - see screenshot attached. I mostly miss sort by location and sort by tag options, as those are essential objects in Evernote. Here are couple of usage eamples, - I am sure other users will come up with additional ones: - if location represent some chronological sequence inside of the stack, it is a usefull view to sort notes by locations when viewing whole stack - tags can be used as grouping elements or priority markers, - thus it was very nice to have high prio notes or notes all tagged with "Barcelona" listed together iwhen viewing larger list Unfortunately, there is nothing mentioned reg. sorting by in comming soon article: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058361833 how do we know, are those features coming back, or this is it ? I have no problem in waiting another month or 2 but I have problem now knowing at all, if that is in scope! In general: the advantage of Evernote over other note taking apps was a huge versatility. Stripping down features is reducing versatility and thus Evernote is loosing competitive edge.
  9. Sort by location, sort by tag is missing, and I dont see it comming here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058361833 anyone from Evernote could comment ?
  10. Hi Stevan, I did it successfully, here is my way uninstall current evernote from your Android phone and get older version from the web(APK mirror).I have used this link to download the older APK but maybe there are better options. Be careful not to click on any AD button, - site is full of ads, - take the green "DOWNLOAD APK" one. (https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-8-13-3-release/evernote-notes-organizer-daily-planner-8-13-3-3-android-apk-download/). I am not sure if this particular version would fit your phone, so please google first, what previous version was a fit. (Mine is Samsung S9) After you install an old version, you should also deactivate autoupdate on this particular app, otherwise new one will just come again(in Play Store settings) automatically. This way I got my widgets back and will wait till new version has them too. Widgets are THE advantage Evernote had over other products on Android, very strange that they left it on the backlog.
  11. there is a comming soon page but no Android on it, any clue why ? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058361833 iOS widget is promissed to come soon. I hope this is a matter of weeks, not months...
  12. Tags view should have both options, - new one, which will be well aligned with mobile look and feel, - and old one, - full screen view(expand button would be great!), - which is an awesom automatic table of contents, if you use TAGs to organize yourself. Also, the quick preview of the tagged items as I show in my screenshot was a splendid feature. People were doing this kind of TOC since 1685 and for a good reason, - this is the way our brain feels comfortable! Evernote made it perfect, - you had it automatically after tagging, with all the benefits digital world gives you, - please consider the idea of bringing back full screen view on tags! and 1685 version, described in this article: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/john-lockes-method-for-common-place-books-1685
  13. It is possible to add saved searches to shortcuts, - which is great. What if I could add a saved search as a hyperlink in my note ? I'd simply like to navigate to this saved search from inside of the note, - same way I navigate to other note with internal link. This gives me an option to have dynamic table of content, rather than static one, which I can produce after I search my notes.
  14. I would like to give my users a deployment template option. Once selected, it would create some notebooks, notebook stacks, tag structure. I train personal knowledge and task management based on Evernote: even though everyone is different, there are some basics and best practices. Such a feature would speed up Evernote rollout and would increase user acceptance in general. If a user already has some notes/structure: preconfigured setup could be be deployed as an addition, - either wrapping existing content into notebook stacks and header -tag or suimpy in parallel.
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