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Everything posted by carlosgm

  1. End of story: 25 days later they responded to the ticket telling me that they will pass the report to their developers (this is good). With this answer I am satisfied, thank you evernote team
  2. In the old days (EN6) ctrl+enter opened the note in a new window, and for me it was never confusing, in fact it was very useful. The shortcut can be changed, the important thing is the functionality.
  3. you're right. Ctrl+enter opens the note in a new window. It would be great if it worked from anywhere (e.g. the note body, the ctrl+q dialog), not just from the notes list.
  4. +1 I just need the same function, just as you describe it @Atirez. It Would greatly improve my workflow in evernote In evernote 6 we had the shortcut ctrl+enter and it worked great. In this version it would be great to have the same ctrl+enter keyboard shortcut to open the note in a new window, as well as having the ability to open the note in a new window from the ctrl+q dialog
  5. I just downloaded the new version of evernote for windows (10.76.2) and it comes with the new user interface. Does anyone know if there is a way to return to the old design?
  6. I thought it was a FACT that it was a reused library and not just your perception. The fact that you cannot reproduce it does not mean that it does not exist. You are probably not knowing how to reproduce (another user in this same thread was able to do it), or it is simply not reproducible on your operating system. For my workflow it is not a small problem, it is a thorn in the side and it seems ridiculous to me that the solution is to save the image all the time (the same recommendation that they made 15 years ago in Microsoft Word for fear of losing the work done)
  7. I always thought that the application with which you edit images in evernote had been rewritten to javascript when they made the change from evernote 6 to evernote 10. And precisely because of this rewriting towards javascript is that the image editing application in evernote 10 has bugs that did not exist in evernote 6 (for example the bug reported in the ticket mentioned in this thread)
  8. I have added an update to the ticket indicating the exact steps to reproduce a variant of the bug. 13 days and counting since I reported the bug, and still no response....
  9. @PinkElephant Thank you, the workflow you have between evernote and macos is very interesting. I would like to try it in the future... At the moment I am very tied up with the evernote annotation tool because I already have hundreds of images annotated and I would have to migrate all the annotations to the Mac image preview. Update: I have updated the ticket with the bug report (#3826974) indicating that there are some variants of the bug and that it also happens in the web application. 7 days and counting, so far I have not received any response from evernote...
  10. @ferol Be careful because not copying and pasting the same text box does not save you from this bug. There is a variant of the bug where it is not necessary to copy and paste the same text: 2024-02-09_12-24-14_bla_bla.mp4
  11. I'm afraid to edit my support ticket to add the thread for this conversation because I learned that if you add additional information, you have to wait 15 more days than you already waited for a response. Continuing with the experiment of also testing technical support of the elephant, I will add an update to the ticket to this conversation thread.
  12. It seems like a joke but when I recorded the video to show you the bug on the web platform, it turns out that a variant of the same bug appeared, which I don't know how to reproduce in steps like original bug: 2024-02-09_11-41-26_variant.mp4
  13. @PinkElephant The test you just did is very interesting: I have tested the bug on 3 different computers, all of which have evernote installed on Windows 10, and the same thing happens on all of them. At this moment I just tested the same bug on the web application and the problem is the same (video *1) video *1: I have added spaces between the text boxes to make it easier to reproduce the bug. In the video it is not visible how the undo/undo system is corrupted because there are only 2 images, however it is hell when you have many objects and text boxes in the same image: 2024-02-09_11-43-24.mp4
  14. To reproduce the bug you should not drag two text boxes, you have to add a single text box from the palette and then copy and paste it. As your image looks, what you should do to reproduce the bug is the following: 1. Edit the green text box (when editing it the entire text box will be selected, click on any letter in the same green text box) 2. With the editing cursor over the green text box, click anywhere where the red text box is located. 3. You should continue to see the editing cursor over the green text box (editing the green text box) 4. Click on any area of the image, outside the text boxes. 5. One of the text boxes disappears and the undo/redo system becomes corrupted, which means that you can no longer go back to the work done before the bug, even if you press ctrl+z thousands of times
  15. It was not my intention to clickbait, let me explain: I have images with dozens of objects and there are days when I spend hours annotating the same image, adding, editing, moving objects and writing text boxes on the image. If I am unfortunate enough to finish my work editing a text box under the conditions in which the error is reproduced, the undo/redo system (ctrl+z, ctrl+y) becomes corrupted and therefore I lose all the work done about that image (which some days represents hours of work for me). The steps to reproduce the bug are found in the support ticket, which are easily reproducible. I don't know your operating system and maybe that's why you can't reproduce the bug. The tests I carried out and therefore the video recording is on evernote 10.75.1 for Windows 10.
  16. @Federico Simionato I have opened ticket #3826974 where I explain how you can lose all the work done on an annotated image when you use overlapping text boxes. I share the video where the text boxes disappears. It took me a long time to find the reason why the text inside text boxes mysteriously disappeared, but I finally found it and have reported it. I share with you what happened to me so that you know why you might be losing your information while annotating an image. I initially published the ticket in Spanish (#3820954) but the elephant behind evernote support did not understand anything I wrote despite having shared a video and the steps explaining the problem. I had to write it for you in English, hoping that you understand it now (#3826974) In addition to sharing the problem so that users who annotate images within evernote take it into account, I want to add this post as an experiment to see how long it takes them to answer and what the evernote's elephant answers. 7 days waiting for a response for the ticket in English, and 15 days since I opened the ticket in Spanish... Status: waiting for response from technical support...
  17. In my experience, the service that Evernote offers at this time is the worst I know of. It is understandable that it takes days or even weeks to respond due to the volume of tickets. But in my case it is not the first time that they answer my tickets with things that have nothing to do with it, other times they do not even read the entire contents of the ticket. It's a disaster, as if evernote's support people were workers with no knowledge of the product. I really miss the old evernote support
  18. My open ticket lasted 3 months, and every time I got a reply the response was something like this: "Hi, we're sorry for the inconvenience blah blah blah. Please reinstall the latest version of evernote and wait another month for us to respond 😂"... .. A month later they respond with similar nonsense I really miss the support of the old evernote administration where they did treat their clients with respect
  19. In favor of evernote, I have to say that even though the tool for annotating images has a somewhat aged, it is still wonderful to work with, it just needs "some tweaking" but for my workflow it works great.
  20. I hope it's soon because I love having the ability to write down images in my notes.
  21. Believe me, it is hell to use shift when you have many small objects and they are close to each other.
  22. Please add the lasso tool to select multiple objects when annotating an image. The tool is very useful when we have multiple objects that form a figure and we want to move it within the same image. In Microsoft Whiteboard it is extremely easy to move multiple objects within the same image (see video attachment): 2023-12-18_feature.mp4
  23. I think evernote 10 is becoming a great application and that's why I will continue using it. When they have time and again show interest in answering my tickets, I will share them again... not at the moment.
  24. If evernote support is not interested in my "free" bug reports, I am not interested in sharing my time with them to improve their product. I will continue using evernote, but without sharing feedback until their service changes.
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