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  1. ...and I just learned that Evernote has discontinued support for Applescript. Something you'd think they would note in their documentation, but I guess not. Anyway, if anyone has tips on using/customizing the Randomnote Web app, I'd be grateful!
  2. This is a really promising tool but I'm having difficulty getting it to work the way I'd expect. There are filters to show "any PARA" or "any PAR" -- which correspond to stacks named after Tiago Forte's "PARA" system (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives) but they don't seem to work right. And the AppleScript version doesn't work for me either - I keep getting syntax errors. (Same with the shorter AppleScript shared above.) Has anyone succeeded in getting this to work and have any tips, either on using the web version or getting AppleScript to run properly (OS X 11.6)?
  3. I need this feature! I have hundreds of tags that are attached to zero notes - not quite sure how this happened, but deleting them is *painful*.
  4. Well this is a drag. I was wondering where that feature went! Sorry to hear it -- my very disorganized Evernote collection now has much less utility. Add in the performance problems with the OS X version of Evernote (locking up while I'm trying to take notes in a meeting, for instance) and I'm thinking it's time to move on to a new app. Those performance problems are now so bad that I actually take notes in Textedit, and paste them into an Evernote note when I'm done.
  5. I would love to have this feature. Sometimes when inserting multiple images (15+) Evernote sort of randomizes their order, which is a real problem if those images are successive pages of notes or scanned pages from a book or something. An easy way to order or reorder images in a post would make a huge difference.
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