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  1. It seems to correspond with how important the note is to me, and how quickly I need it 😄 But yeah, now that I'm paying more attention, notes seem to either come up quickly (less than 5 seconds) or take ages (45-60 seconds). Nothing particularly interesting or different between them. My system is pretty capable (Ryzen 9 5950X, 64 GB memory) so I doubt there's a significant CPU bottleneck, but next time I get a slow one I'll pop open task manager and take look. You guys helped by letting me know that the devs are working on it, so that's the main thing. Things for your replies!
  2. Windows 11 22H2 10.57.10-win-ddl-public (4133) Editor: v169.1.20965 Service: v1.68.5 Hi - Lately I've been working on a project that has me pulling up some rather old notes. When I do this, the note takes an extremely long time to load. I started timing them and it takes around 60 seconds. This feels like an eternity when I'm busy, especially if I'm on a call with people waiting for a response. I don't recall seeing this until relatively recently (a few weeks?), but then again I don't access old notes all that often. What's going on here? Thanks.
  3. They're using the Electron framework like dozens of other desktop applications. Electron is known for being slow and bloated, but I don't typically have window position issues. Then again, Evernote is the only Electron application I use where I always have multiple windows open. Who knows... software is complicated.
  4. Ah, I now realize why Windows Key + Left / Right arrow wasn't working for me. I have Snap Windows disabled. If you have that option enabled then, yes, Windows Key + Left / Right arrow does work to snap the window and then grab/resize from there. Mysteries solved
  5. I'm pretty sure I've figured out what's going on, at least for me. My issue isn't with the main Evernote window, it's with notes that I open in a new window. I have two monitors. My primary display is in landscape orientation and my secondary display is in portrait. The secondary display is off to the side, and I use it to glance at notes, screenshots, and other reference material. My main Evernote window runs on the primary display and the individual notes are almost always on the secondary display. When Evernote closes, it saves the relative position of the note windows. But when it opens note windows, it opens them on whatever monitor the main Evernote window is running on. Here's the scenario that creates the problem: I have the main Evernote window running on my primary landscape display and a random note window open in the upper area of my secondary portrait display. If I completely close all Evernote windows, relaunch Evernote on my primary landscape display, and then re-open the individual note window, it will open on the primary landscape display at the same relative position it was on the secondary portrait display. This position can easily be off the screen and inaccessible. No clever Windows shortcuts seem to resolve this once it occurs, nor does closing the re-opening Evernote, since that creates the problem in the first place. To fix this, close the individual note windows from the Windows taskbar. Move the main Evernote window completely over to the offending display, in my case the secondary portrait display. Then open your note in a new window. It should open at the same relative position it was at previously, but now on the portrait display. The window is now accessible.
  6. Yeah, I strongly dislike the automatic embedding. Very annoying that every time I paste a YouTube link I have to go into a menu to undo it.
  7. This is happening to me too, but not quite as often. I keep the app open all the time and I close this message when it appears. I'd guess it probably takes more like 1 hr+ for it to come back. I haven't timed it. But in general, if I leave the computer for a decent amount of time, this message is there when I return.
  8. I will personally never understand top list view people but they're clearly out there, and taking away options is never a good idea. Legacy is great, but it really doesn't make a lot of sense right now, unless someone trying to get by while they transition to another product. If you're serious about staying with Evernote, you might as well learn the new version and make your voice heard. I can understand protecting certain panes by having a minimum width, but I cannot understand the logic of implementing a maximum width. Locking the information-dense Note List View pane at 880 pixels when the average display is 1920 or 2560 pixels wide makes no sense. Notes are protected with a minimum width of around 530 pixels, so why not let the Note List View pane expand as much as the user prefers, as long as it doesn't violate the minimum width of the note? It's my display, let me resize things the way I like.
  9. Hi, It seems the Note List View pane cannot be expanded past a certain point of width. I have a widescreen display, and I like my Note List View in List mode to be quite wide so I can see all the fields. But for whatever reason, after upgrading from version 6 to version 10, this pane cannot be expanded beyond about 880 pixels, no matter how large the Evernote window is. If I try to drag the pane wider, it just pops backwards. I attached a screenshot that shows the element I'm trying to drag wider to the right.
  10. I have to say, the editor is a lot better. It feels snappier, especially when working with images. The default fonts were very well-chosen and look great. If they just fix some of the silly little issues (my main one), I'll be a happy camper. They probably knew this would be a painful (but necessary) update. The patches are coming fast, which is definitely appreciated, so the team is listening. Let's cut them some slack and try to stop raging so hard.
  11. A minimum width is reasonable, but an 880 pixel maximum on the Note List View pane is rough.
  12. Hi, Evernote desktop client version 10.3.6 (just updated from 10.2.4) on Windows 10. It seems the Note List View pane cannot be expanded past a certain point of width. I have a widescreen display, and I like my Note List View in List mode to be quite wide so I can see all the fields. But for whatever reason, after upgrading from version 6 to version 10, this pane cannot be expanded beyond about 880 pixels, no matter how large the Evernote window is. If I try to drag the pane wider, it just pops backwards. I attached a screenshot that shows the element I'm trying to drag wider to the right. I can get used to this new version (even though I'm not thrilled with the Search changes), but this particular limitation is quite frustrating. Am I missing something? Thanks.
  13. Oooof the new desktop search is awful! The entire point of the product is to search, and it's been relegated to the teeny tiny search bar and results window from the mobile app. That was a really bad change... I'm definitely going to go back to the old version and look at alternatives in the meantime, something I haven't done since switching from OneNote to Evernote several years ago. It's a notes app, not a lifestyle. I've got no issues switching, and I'm happy to give my money to a company that gets it. Once again, the desktop experience is ruined by mobile-first design principles. I thought Evernote "got it" but nope, they're just like everyone else. I do understand, you don't want to maintain two completely different apps. But you've got to pay attention to why people are using one over the other in the first place and tweak the solutions accordingly. Look at this search results window, seriously, who could possibly sign off on that after using the previous version? You've got power users who pay good money to use a premium product, not your mobile app.
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