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Randall V

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Everything posted by Randall V

  1. Thank you. But it doesn't work, I turned on the filter, hit Done, and nothing happened, went back to look and it was off. Tried again and nothing happened. I'm so tired of EN messing with the iOS app - they've changed it so many times and screwed with my workflow, making it harder and harder to use. I've had enough; I'm going to jump ship to UpNote.
  2. EN for iOS is suddenly missing a reminders view for my notes, which is my default view. WHY? 😡
  3. I seriously doubt it, I'm running a pretty new iMac with an SSD and plenty of RAM. And keeping an app open or not is not the point: it simply shouldn't take 15+ seconds to launch - EN has too much cruft and no way to disable 'features' I don't want (hello A.I.). Bottom line: when the end user upgrades to a new version and immediately notices a massive slowdown in performance, something is obviously wrong. From my earlier example, if Transmit suddenly went from a 2-second launch to a 10-second launch, you can be sure I would be notifying their team to fix it.
  4. I'm not embarrassed; you shouldn't embarrass yourself by jumping to conclusions and being snarky about it. 1. After my initial post I upgraded to version 10.6.5, which launched in 16 seconds, a slight improvement. I now have version 10.6.8, which took 15 seconds to launch. In all instances the app has launched very slow, flashed a white screen for several seconds before finally loading. 2. I tested your 'fix' - I took Internet offline and tested the app again - guess what? Still took 14 seconds to fully launch. It's not network latency. Lots of my other apps open smartly, eg. Transmit - took all of 2 seconds. And don't lecture me on keeping apps open, that's just arrogant.
  5. EN 10.86.4 on Mac now takes 22 seconds to launch. I haven't yet tried what I've done in the past, which is to completely uninstall and reinstall, because every time I do I lhave to waste my time and lose all my preferences. Point being: I shouldn't have to do any of that if the product wasn't so buggy all the time. EN should be EMBARRASSED.
  6. I use Monospace for all my notes, and I find EN defaults to a font I don't want. Even when I have set the font, if I cut and paste text from a different source into the note, it ignores my setting and defaults to its own font. Also, there needs to be a setting for all notes font size. After the latest update all my fonts were changed from 16 to 15, which annoyed me to no end as I had to manually change the size on all my notes.
  7. Noted and thanks for the links; I registered my concern in the other thread. Evernote: if it ain't broke, break it.
  8. The new version 10.76.2 has changed my checkbox colour to a purple-blue in the dark interface, while my iOS version remains green as I am used to. There appears to be no way to change the checkbox colour at all. I hate it when the devs summarily force changes without offering the option to revert to my preference. The same thing happened with the note view, which in the new version defaulted to "optimised" (which I despise); I had to hunt through settings to get my notes view back to where they were before the 'upgrade'.
  9. The new version 10.76.2 has changed my checkbox colour to a purple-blue in the dark interface, while my iOS version remains green as I am used to. There appears to be no way to change the checkbox colour at all. I hate it when the devs summarily force changes without offering the option to revert to my preference. The same thing happened with the note view, which in the new version defaulted to "optimised" (which I despise); I had to hunt through settings to get my notes view back to where they were before the 'upgrade'. Unless I missed something, does anyone know of a way to set the checkbox colour, or do I have to downgrade EN ?
  10. For the reinstall the main thing I did was use AppCleaner to find all the EN files on my system. But to be safe I first made backups of all my notebooks - it’s time consuming but necessary in case something goes wrong (why EN does not have an easier batch backup option is beyond me, how hard can it be to offer an ‘export all’ function?). Second, I saved my plist and saved state files onto my desktop, as a precaution. I then ran AppCleaner to trash EN completely. Then I downloaded EN, installed, and before I launched the app or logged in, I moved the plist and saved state files back to overwrite the installed versions. I then launched EN and logged in, after which the app behaved normally (however I noticed that my plist didn’t seem to help as my settings were not the way I’d left them, i.e. I had to reset my preferred view, etc Hope this helps.
  11. Fixed it by reinstalling. Evidently the 'upgrade' was borked.
  12. Since the latest update 10.67.2, navigating Evernote on Mac has a serious mouse lag (also replicated with my Wacom device), wherein movement of the mouse cursor to any section is followed by a serious delay in highlighting or ability to act. Example: if I want to edit a note's reminder, it the lag delays funtionality by 1/2 to 1 seconds for each action. What used to be a simple edit is now painfully slow, and sometimes the lag causes the need to reselect as well, causing further delay.
  13. It's been a year since I raised this issue and it still hasn't been resolved. I can't even recall if support ever got back to me, although they may have done with the usual "we'll look into" response, which of course means nothing if they don't actually fix the issue.
  14. Is there a way to disable the blue popup notifications in the desktop version? For example, if I delete a note, I get a popup saying I deleted it. When I empty the trash, I get another popup saying it's been deleted. Sometimes the popup just hangs there instead of disappearing, so I have to click the X to close it. These popups are unecessary to me and annoying.
  15. In Notes view, when I click on the second note, the top note is overlaid with the text of the last edited note.
  16. I finally submitted a support ticket, FWIW. Maybe they'll have a fix I haven't tried yet.
  17. This is STILL borked. If I use my system settings, EN refuses to follow my locale and sets the calendar picker to start on Monday on instead of my preference Sunday. I also discovered that if I create a date/time setting in Mac specifically for EN, yay the picker starts on Sunday, but then EN ignores my time setting and switches from 24-hour to AM/PM !! 😡 So it's impossible to have the picker and the time preference to my liking. Staggering the EN can't get something so simple top work. Why am I paying for this?
  18. That's just it, I don't keep notes open for editing on more than one device at a time. Typically what happens is I edit a note on my Mac, and when I leave the house and check the note later on my iPhone (bearing in mind that EN is typically not running in the background), I get a note conflict. This also happens in reverse. Mind you it doesn't happen every time, but often enough (which is why I said 'at least once a week' - it can and has been more) that the persistence becomes a bit of an irritant. At home I use wifi with VPN; outside mobile service with VPN. Shouldn't make any difference, and as far as I can see when closing EN, it indicates sync has been completed. I now sync the iPhone before leaving the house to cut down on the conflicts, but even then there are times that after desktop sync, the iPhone doesn't receive the edited note when EN is launched. If that occurs, I have to kill and relaunch the app, which usually fixes that issue. FWIW
  19. The recent change does not adopt its settings from my Mac date and time preferences. Week now starts on Monday when I had it set to Sunday, really messing things up when the picker opens.
  20. Thanks for that workaround, it seems to have done the trick. My main complaint was that there was no option to simply opt out altogether instead of "not now", which forces users to go through hoops to get rid of the pop up. Honestly, do the developers ever think about the end user experience at all? Just make it work, and don't annoy us.
  21. I don't use Google Calendar; I don't intend to use it. But every time I open Evernote on my Mac, up pops the nag screen, with the only options either to set up the widget, or "not now". How about "Not Ever and Quit Bugging Me"?
  22. You mean like breaking the 24-hour format that was previously available to myself and others who prefer it?
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