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Everything posted by McVitas

  1. Hello, this bothers me for years already. I go to www.evernote.com, login with my credentials but then very often I just end up with empty qhite page and URL https://www.evernote.com/Login.action In such case I need to refresh the page by F5 or pressing enter in address bar, I get back to login screen, login again and hope that it will work this time. Sometimes I get the blank page again and have to refresh it again! I have cleared evernote cookies and it still happens! It's Evernote web v10.3.1
  2. Hello, I type my journal feeling happy and then suddenly I don't know what happens, but it starts creating notebook stack! I guess it must be some keyboard shortcut which interferes with the characters typed via AltGr+something. What is it and how can I disable it??
  3. Sorry gents, but I have a hard time understanding either of you :-] Can anybody confirm what happens on iOS Evernote if you open a note and long tap on a link? Without going into edit mode with on screen keyboard!
  4. Hello, I frequently copy paste various URLs for interesting articles I read in my Evernote notes. The problem on the phone is that if I want to send this link to somebody, I need to select it and copy it. That is a tricky task to do however, because tap and hold on such a link only makes a short buzz but no menu appears! If I do tap and hold on a piece of plain text I get the menu cut/copy/paste and so on, but not on the link directly. So I always need to do this weird workaround by tapping on some text around and then adjusting the highlighted selection to select the link only and then I can tap "copy" because the menu stays that way. I wouldn't be able to copy the link if that would be the only text in the note however... The other way to do it is also to enter edit mode but that causes the virtual keyboard to slide up and I don't always want that to happen and take my screen space if the note is long and I am searching for something there. please check and fix this in next version.
  5. And I say that it would be super easy to pin-point the crucial differences between "healthy" and corrupted note if the devs only asked you or me for it! After that they would simply see what piece of code is responsible to make that data and in what cirmumstances it can possibly not do it or do it wrong. That's how I debug my software since 2000 or so and it always worked.
  6. "we're laser focused" - I am sorry but if a company is laser focused and keeps getting reports about a problem for such a long time and is still unable to do anything about it, then they really need to have some serious discussion with their devs team! I am code developer myself and I can't understand what is so hard on pressing ctrl+f in a source code, going to the section which detects and decides to say that "note was created in a different app" and see exactly what strings/values are being checked to cause this result. Then I would ask the community to provide some export of data from their phones and it would be clear what is different and where is the problem! I just can't see why is this so hard. And regarding the network problems. I always find funny how people try to blame software bugs on this, because here we are talking about TCP communication and not UDP which is used for internet video! I am pretty sure Evernote does not use UDP which CAN lose packets and you just have a slight image artifacts for a moment, but otherwise it's fine. TCP communication on the other hand confirms delivery of all packets. So take this as a general answer to similar topics elsewhere
  7. So here we are more then a year later and this is STILL HAPPENING! I have the same problem as Dave-in-Decatur and I regularly stumble upon more and more notes that get locked when I try to edit them. Oberdada's workaround might work, but WILL NOT fix the other notes which are just waiting and most likely will break sooner or later once you try to edit them! What I have found out is that it seems like some (but not all!) notes created more then one (or maybe two?) years have this problem and it happens when you try to edit and save them. I have tried to salvage the note by copying text to a new one, but it became real mess and now I don't know what was synced and what is only in my phone in several cases. Sometimes I trigger manual sync by mistake by pulling down and I just get annoyed because the phone gets crazy with many error notifications about "note x could not be synced". I wonder how hard can it be for some devs to finally start doing something and if they can't reproduce it on their end I would be more then happy to do some video conf or the heck even change my evernote password temporarily so they can look at my data! Just get this fixed finally!
  8. I have the same friking problem! Although I didn't change a phone and it seems it happens to older notes and every now and then I stumble upon new one which I want to edit and then this happens! I have dozens of notes which are now probably on my phone only and there is some different version without last edits in the cloud. What a frikin mess! I have been using Evernote for many years now but this bug really makes me consider going back to OneNote which I didn't like because of slow werb interface! I am happy I didn't pay for this never ending beta version of an app! I have never had a good experience with EverNote support, but still I am willing to cooperate if anyone from devs wants some help dealing with this bug. Feel free to contact me
  9. It does not matter what exactly I did because the problem was perfectly clear from my OP: this link cannot be open from Evernote web. No need to speculate how I put it there. Regarding Evernote web beta. I tried it last year and didn't like the dark theme so much. The classic white/green looks better to me. Besides that there was a CPU load problem but now when I try it seems to have been fixed. Now I tested the links behavior in beta and when I click on a link in my note it does not load anything but I have to click again on a hover DIV which appears, then I there is a new tab with a question if I really want to go there after I already clicked twice on that link, so I click continue and then I get to the page finally. The funny thing is, that if I from whatever reason I change my mind and click "back" instead of "continue" it loads Evernote in this newly opened tab instead of just closing it, so I end up with Evernote being opened twice but in the new tab I am not back in note where I was but on the first note in the notebook instead :-] In FireFox however clicking the green "back" button results in a blank page! This can confuse a lot of less tech savvy people which don't realize they need to close this empty tab to get back. I wonder what is the reason for existence of this question page with two buttons, except for delay and confusion then 🙂 Users overwhelmingly voted for it's removal, but their opinion is being ignored for last 4 years. But WTH? Now when I switched back to Evernote web classic, I am very much surprised because the link causing "access denied" page now works! Maybe some dev actually read it and fixed it? You can confirm I wasn't making this up. Did it change your you too?
  10. I really don't know why I am wasting my time here, because no problems I ever reported got fixed. Maybe I am bored :-] I pasted the link on my phone to the android app so I can review it later. THEN on a PC in Evernote web I cannot open it because of the error in your engine! Dave I really don't understand why you elaborate about some problem in the mobile app and don't just try the same simple thing by yourself? Just paste it in your evernote and open in classic Evernote web and you will see what it does. I clearly said the link works everywhere except Evernote web client. BTW I have link to this discussion saved in Evernote and what happens when I click on it? I am being warned about leaving evernote 😁Even though I stay in the same domain evernote.com!
  11. BTW that percent sign in address is a mechanism called URL encoding and is a perfectly standard way to write some characters in the URL. Read this if you are interested. https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp
  12. I am sorry, but you must be joking right? When I was walking on a street I copied this link from a browser in my phone into Evernote app. Do you really suggest people should be editing links and removing some characters in order to make them clickable in Evernote web? Especially on the phone you really don't want to be bothered with something like that. This link is working everywhere else except Evernote web, so it is normal valid link. I don't care about some characters in URL, I want Everenote to stop studying encoding of some links and just frikin open them without hassle. It works in Windows app, it works on Android, so saying that it's not valid is the silliest excuse for a software bug I have seen in a long time... BTW are you an of official Evernote support here? I hope you are not...
  13. Hello, I almost got used to that annoying "you are leaving Evernote" when I click on some link in my notes, UNTIL TODAY when I stored this link in my journal and found out that YOU CANNOT open this from evernote web at all because you get access denied! Seriously this should get fixed! https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.ipswitch.com/use-powershell-copy-item-cmdlet-transfer-files-winrm%3fhs_amp=true
  14. hehe. thanks. That worked. I would swear I tried all the checkboxes
  15. Hello seems like when I changed my windows display settings zoom to 200% and used Evernote, suddenly the left bar menu changed from text to just these little icons and I don't know how to change it back. Any advice please?
  16. We are talking about web client here. The app is better of course, but it's not always available if you are on a different PC for example.
  17. What I have found out just now! If I copy text and images from a web browser, I can paste it into EverNote webapp and it's there with images!
  18. Hello, so i noticed my browser (Chrome) using continuously 15-25% CPU when a note is displayed in evernote. If I go to list of Notebooks it stops. If I go back to Evernote current version it stops. If I go to beta again it happens again. I think that's something developers should look at. Seems like some infinite loop in a script.
  19. yes it is possible to right click - copy some image already in evernote web note and right click - paste into another note.
  20. Jefito really? What about windows snipping tool? Please try that. By copying image from file explorer you mean click on a file icon and copy? I wouldn't expect this to copy an image ...
  21. Aha so I found in settings how to go to beta. I am in beta and no, can't paste a picture like this using FireFox :) Maybe in Chrome?
  22. I am not sure how can I see the version, but my URL is https://www.evernote.com/Home.action?login=true Anyway does it work in any of the versions or these feature is yet to come?
  23. Hello. I have a feeling we are in a web 2.0 era for many years now, so why is it such a problem for evernote web client to handle basic operation like paste an image? Taken by windows snipping tool for example? I have to save it as file, browse for it and insert it. That takes long time.
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