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Sayre Ambrosio

Evernote Expert
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Posts posted by Sayre Ambrosio

  1. 1 minute ago, dallascernment said:

    Skitch annotation has the same problem in PDF for me.  I can only edit the first page of the document.

    This is the part where I mention that Skitch for Mac has not been updated since version 2.7.8 in 2014. :angry:


    It has been forever since it was updated. :( I have no clue as to why some are able to use it and some aren't. Just gonna consider myself lucky on this one and hope they get it worked out for those who need it sooner rather than later. I wish I had more to offer on the subject but I'm not technical enough to know what might be causing it. :( 

  2. 32 minutes ago, ilia5101982 said:

    @Sayre Ambrosio, I tested it on iOS 10, it was working fine. However, iOS Betas sometime behave strangely around keychain topics and memory allocation (for Share extension), so not much guarantees.

    I can include you into Beta testers list, and you will get the latest version of Saferoom. Then you can play with our app on iOS 10.




    That would be amazing. :) I'll send you my email in a private message on here. Looking forward to testing.

  3. On 8/4/2016 at 1:50 PM, willysnax said:

    Can you please at least make an option in the settings to turn the summary On and Off. I just spent the whole afternoon trying to sign a pdf and send it back before I finally saw that checkbox with print that is almost white at the bottom of the screen. Today was the closest I came to cancelling my account after many years I was that frustrated with this task that used to be so simple.

    Or even, make the summary a separate page at the beginning of the pdf. At least then, you can choose to print out pages 2-end and leave out the summary if wanted. Maybe it's just me but I don't know how having that big prepend at the beginning as part of the document suits anybody but I guess it does. 

    Some options please for those of us who don't want it there by default.

    Thank you

    This option is already there. There's a box in settings that you can untick if you don't want the annotation summary to show. 

  4. On July 1, 2016 at 3:06 PM, carlthewinner said:

    My two cents as a long term Evernote fan...


    I was super sad to see that Evernote is increasing Premium prices. I was more sad to see Evernote limiting the number of devices to only 2 per account for the free version. 

    I always have LOVED Evernote Premium. I have never even investigated any other option. My wife is also using Evernote for saving her blogs long term, but she has more than 2 devices where she will need access. 

    With those new changes, I am now looking into OneNote. I will definitely have to bring my wife to One Note. I may also need to migrate my 10,368 notes to One Note as well.

    As I said, I LOVE Evernote. My wife and I even bought the t-shirts. I even have 2 of them :) I have over 10,000 notes. I will probably not be recommending Evernote any more because of these changes. I get changes like this happen and I doubt anything I do will change that. I just wanted to give some feedback as a long term fan.

    I never thought I would ever be jumping to another note program. Now am pulling all my notes into OneNote with the Windows tool... (carl sheds a tear)

    If you jump ship for good and want to unload your EN shirts let me know. 

    • Like 2
  5. On June 30, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Drold said:

    Evernote can't even share a notebook.  I'm a new user and have sent 5-6 emails and NONE of them have shared the notebook to ANYONE!  If you can't fulfill your basic functions why would I pay for increased service?  This is ridiculous.  But of course once again in the software world I'm the only person who actually uses share.  Because that's the ONLY explanation why this isn't working for me with no end in sight.  PATHETIC EVERNOTE!!!!!!!!!  It's like a car with no wheels.  FIX YOUR *****!

    I share notebooks and single notes all the time with no issues between users and non-users


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