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Everything posted by p1154

  1. take a look at joplin it allows you to change the updated field https://joplinapp.org/help/
  2. I completely agree with you!!! This is why I am in the process of moving to Joplin.
  3. I agree with you. I rely on the same field as well. As I mentioned Joplin is similar to Evernote v6 and allows the updated field to be user edited
  4. It sounds like the "updated" field is used internally by the program and it is not easy to change it. I have asked several times for this feature and several Level 5 experts say it is not easy to add. I have switched my new notes to Joplin and now have full control of the updated field in a different program. Joplin is a lot more like Evernote Version 6 which is what I preferred to use anyway.
  5. The Joplin program allows transfer from Evernote and it does allow the ability to change the updated field https://joplinapp.org/help/
  6. I and many others agree with you. This has been discussed many times and Evernote V10 is not going to add the ability to change the "updated" date. I have also asked for this feature many times and I am told it will not be added.
  7. I've spent a lot of time this weekend downloading notebooks from Legacy and importing into Joplin. Joplin is faster than Legacy but does not have as many features. For my purposes Joplin is much much better than V10. So pretty happy that Joplin is available as Legacy is being turned off https://joplinapp.org/help/
  8. https://joplinapp.org/ has very good ability to import evernote notebooks although you have to import one notebook at a time. I would suggest use Joplin to Import Evernote ENEX files as "Markdown" format and this has been working quite well for me.
  9. Evernote legacy is still syncing for me. I am working on transitioning my notes to Joplin. https://joplinapp.org/help/ Joplin seems to work similarly to Evernote legacy and it is very fast, and it allows to change the "last modified" field of notes. Joplin is very very fast compared to Evernote V10. When exporting notes from Evernote, you can export each notebook and can easily import into Joplin in either HTML or Markdown format and the notes in Joplin are very usable. As far as a replacement for Evernote Legacy I would say Joplin is a top choice. I agree that V10 is very very slow and that is a major problem for me personally and for some others on the forum. Good luck!!
  10. I have spent a few days now using both V10 and the old Legacy 6.25.3 side by side. I have to say I have definitely observed that V10 is quite a lot slower than 6.25.3. I don't know that switching to offline mode to get a temporary speed boost is a great solution. Interrupting your work flow to go offline for a speed boost and then going back online to sync the changes is a pretty substantial extra step when trying to get stuff done. Bottom line, V10 is a lot slower for people accustomed to the fast speed of 6.25. I've also been experimenting with exporting some notebooks to Joplin and that experience is much closer to the speed of Legacy 6.25.3. I am worried about the future of Evernote, I don't think V10 is a great product at this time given how slow V10 is.
  11. This suggestion seems like it is an easy fix. This does not require major changes to the system, and the User should be allowed to select whether to sort by a system generated or a user edited field. The underlying system variable can be left in place.
  12. Can anyone share any thoughts on whether we will ever be able to edit the "Last edited" field? There are a minority of us who consider the ability to edit the "Last edited" metadata as a critical feature. I acknowledge that we are not a majority but there are quite a few that I know of who have made service requests to be able to update that metadata in v10.
  13. This explanation makes the most sense to me. I deal with the same problem, the "last edited" field is important for my workflow and also the way I sort my notes. I need the "last updated" field to NOT update when I just look at the note and also need the ability to edit the "last updated" field since it is important for the way I sort many of my notes.
  14. The sort by updated date is very very useful for some people. In particular if you have a note that is very old and infrequently used, and you want to keep the updated date five or ten years in the past then you need the ability to edit the updated field. I really really hope they add this ability ASAP as quite a few people are still using Legacy because they need to edit the updated field.
  15. It's been a couple months. Has anyone heard if there are any plans to add the Legacy ability to modify the "updated" date? There are many Legacy users who depend on that feature. Thanks!
  16. I'd like to bring this discussion back up. There are quite a few Legacy users who really depend on the ability to change the "updated" field of the note. It is part of my workflow and when I review a note from 5 years ago without changing it or if I make only a minor change it is important for my workflow to be able to keep the "updated" field with a date from 5 years ago. Could we get the developers to chime in on whether they will add this feature to V10? I am stuck using Legacy because I depend on this feature. Thanks!
  17. It's not just you and I who want the ability to change the updated field. There are quite a few legacy users out there who rely on that. I really hope the developers add this ability to V10
  18. I have noticed that just opening some notes will cause the last updated field to update. This screws up my workflow somewhat (and some other users as well). For example if I briefly glance at an old note from several years ago in V10 without making any changes then V10 updates the "last updated" field even when no change made to note. Right now I will open the same note in Evernote Legacy to change the date back to what I want. If the note hasn't changed in several years then typically I need to change the "last updated" field back to a time from several years ago. Unfortunately this tendency of V10 to frequently update the "last updated" field even when no changes are made to the note is a problem for some users. It would be great if we could manually update that field to keep older notes filed away with older dates.
  19. Can Evernote please add the ability to change the "last updated" date of notes? It is a very useful feature in Evernote Legacy and there are multiple users who have not made the switch to Evernote 10 because there are some of us who need to be able to change the "last updated" date on notes (for a variety of reasons) Thanks!
  20. Any updates on this topic? I have been holding off on upgrade and still using Version 6 Legacy because I need to be able to change the updated date. Thanks!
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