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  1. Above, Pink Elephant wrote "To reach out to EN, use the feedback function of the clients, or issue a support ticket. " -- I do not see either of these options. To be helpful, please include actual instructions. This forum is the only option I have seen listed under support. And I am a paying customer for the premium product. And if EN doesn't read this forum, shame on them. Basic management -- read what your user community is saying. Please.
  2. I am very frustrated by the utter stonewalling of EN to this basic most obvious request. And to make it worse, you can't export your notes to put into a decent program with standard features like this. I regret having started with Evernote. They do updates frequently, but totally and utterly ignore what users actually want. Highly disappointed.
  3. I have an easy method, if you just want to move data from one Text Note into Excel. --Select the text -- Copy to clipboard -- Paste into Notepad (not Word -- Windows Notepad) & save it. -- Copy the text again from Notepad (now that it's plain text) -- Paste into Excel -- It correctly puts the data from each line into a separate row in Excel. Whew. (Too bad Evernote doesn't make better choices available for export, like export to CSV.)
  4. Thank you so much for the tip! I didn't know about that at all. I really appreciate it and will check it out ASAP.
  5. Someone suggested that we "reach out to support." Well, if we knew how to do that, we wouldn't be wasting time on this Forum in which Evernote does not communicate at all, and apparently doesn't read or care what users want. Bad PR.
  6. Indeed. Truly absurd. And offended by the utter lack of response from Evernote. Sorting within a note is a very basic, elemental function, sorely lacking.
  7. Thank you DT Low for the picture. The word "vote" or "voting" or "vote here" or any words at all do not appear. It is absurd to think that a normal person, who does not live in this forum daily, would ever know that an unlabeled number in a circle constitutes a voting system in which others can participate. I humbly suggest that this interface design needs work.
  8. Jeff -- My brother is a power-user of Evernote -- and a very intelligent and highly computer literate person . He went to this post, at my request FIVE times and could never find the voting buttons. Can you please send me a picture? Why are the buttons so obscure that no one can find them except the few people who are in these forums every day? In that case, the results of this "voting" are not representative of the actual broad user community.
  9. I have no idea what you're talking about. I have searched many times (and so have others) and we cannot find ANY "voting button in the top left corner of the discussion." Apparently, this does not exist -- or perhaps it's a feature only available to some people but not others? Again, this does not appear on my screen anywhere in the discussion.
  10. Thank you so much for the comment from Reece R. It is very helpful to know which other Apps have this most basic functionality. I agree that Evernote is the best in other regards -- and so it is utterly baffling as to why they omitted this function and why they are absolutely ignoring (apparently) requests from users. I agree that it would be good to know if they at least have this on a list to do someday. I find this to be so frustrating -- lack of basic expected functionality, lack of communication from/to Evernote. I fear that nothing on this User Forum ever actually reaches anyone in charge of development at Evernote. Why is that? And if they do read this forum (which I doubt) why won't they communicate here and let us know. Obviously, whenever anyone takes the time to log onto this forum and post a request, you can be sure that there are many many other users who want the same thing -- but most people will never write it here.
  11. Yes, I would like this moved to the cross-platform Feature Request forum. How do I do that?
  12. I use, exclusively, the Checkbox format for all my notes. We need to be able to sort contents of these notes -- should be options to do this: 1) alphabetical by items in the list 2) By Unchecked Vs Checked (and alphabetical as a secondary sort, within the unchecked/checked caterogries) 3) by date modified All sort criteria should have the option for direction of sort, for both secondary and primary sorts. (By "direction" I mean like A-Z or Z-A) In case you can only implement this in parts, please do the following as highest priority -- Sort Unchecked before Checked. PLEASE. But we really need alphabetical within that also. Thank you. Please understand that this is IMPORTANT for MANY users. We have been troubled and annoyed by this deficiency for many years. Frankly, it's surprising that a product as good as Evernote should be lacking in functionality for something so basic. I tried to post this issue on one of the Evernote Forums some years ago, but was dismayed to see rude responses to this very suggestion from other users. So, I have refrained from posting anything to the forums. Your forums should be monitored by people who treat all users with respect and dignity. Hopefully, someone will finally take this seriously. Thank you.
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