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Everything posted by vladcampos

  1. Please bring the same Markdown shortcuts available on the Mac to iOS. For example, the options bellow are missing on iOS: #, ## and ### for Titles [][]x2 for table creation
  2. If I create a new Tag and apply it to a note or use an existing Tag and apply it to a note, the Tag counter shows the total number of notes with that Tag, but it takes several seconds for the filter to show that note (or notes) with that Tag on the list. The attached video was recorded on a Mac (10.3.6 build 2001), but I tested and found the same problem on Evernote for web and people on my community also reported it happening on Evernote for Windows. 1313341277_TagsLagging.mov
  3. Interesting, I didn't know that. But, anyway, some sort of YouTube filter would be nice to have.
  4. I'm using Evernote 10.3.6 (build 2001 public) for Mac and while experimenting with some of the Filter "Contains" options I found out that the notes with new the embedded YouTube feature are not selected on the "video" option. I understand that the Filter is looking for video files saved in the notes, but it would be nice to have embedded YouTube videos also included. Or, maybe, a "YouTube" filter option.
  5. I'm using Evernote 10.3.6 (build 2001 public) for Mac and there's one item on the Filter "Contains" option missing translation to Portuguese. "Numbers" should be "Números".
  6. Thank you for clarifying this. I think it's a good idea to have some sort of message on the dropdown menu explaining that PDFs larger than X MB cannot be displayed as a preview. I was going crazy about this situation removing and uploading PDFs on my notes because I was thinking it was a problem on the menu being caused by a glitch.
  7. I have a stack called "VLADCAMPOS.TV" and it was "invisible" on the shortcuts menu on iOS. All I could see was its space. As soon as I installed the Android beta the same happened there. So I figured It is something related to this stack name because all others are working fine. The only diference I could find was a point (.) separating the "TV" part of the name. I went to the Mac and removed that and It's now working perfectly. I didn't test it with other special characters, but maybe you guys should tested to figure out what is causing the desaparece.
  8. It looks like 10.1.7 only partially fixed internal links pointing to the Web App. If I copy a note link and simply past it (cmd+v) on another note, the link will point to the note in the Mac App. If I copy the note link and select a text on the other note and create a link on the word/phrase (cmd+k), the link will point to the web App. Note.: This is happening on Mac and Windows. By the way, I do understand the safety reasons for the little pop-up (bubble) showing the URL when links are pointing to non-Evernote addresses. But having that extra step for internal links creating an unnecessary step that is constantly slowing down our workflows.
  9. Any note, any notebook. I recorded a small clip showing it. Dragging Notes.mov
  10. I'm running 10.1.7 and although I can drag notes to notebooks that are on the sidebar, it doesn't work if the notebook in question in a stack that is in the sidebar.
  11. In the past it was possible to hide the Recent Notes block from the sidebar. Please bring back that option.
  12. I noticed that the new Evernote 10 let us embed and play videos inside a note. It would be nice to change the WebClipper behavior on YouTube to have the embedded video instead of the video channel cover that is captured today.
  13. I know the solution and I agree, it does the job. But I don't feel comfortable with the kind of permission needed by Cronofy. Once connected it will have full access to the contentes of all my notes. I'm not accusing anyone or anything like that, but because of all the personal information I have stored I don't feel comfortable. Also, iCalendar feeds are becoming quite popular among productivity Apps. Todoist, Trello and several others have this feature.
  14. Any plans to bring the ability to change the note creation date to Evernote Web? Presently the only way to do this is on Mac or Windows clients. Not even iOS or Android Apps can do it and this is an important feature the people that use Evernote to archive documents and as a task management system.
  15. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I'm among the first users (since July/2008) and I know how you guys evolved on this text formatting situation over the years. I have a specific question though. Will the appearance, toolbar, menus etc. change a lot? At the blog post you guys wrote "And even though it represents major steps for the product, if we’ve done our job right, you’ll barely notice anything’s changed". What does it means? If one upgrade to the new version it won't even notice it is a different App? I'm working on an Evernote online course and have produced part of the videos. After yesterday's blog post I don't know what to do: wait to get the beta invitation or keep working on the vídeos. That's why knowing if there will be or not multiple cosmetic changes is important to me. Can you be more specific on this subject?
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