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  1. Hi. Is it possible to import a multi-page pdf into EN as a single scroll-able document? Having to click on prev or next arrows to see a previous or next pages is... well, it's the pits. Thanks.
  2. Running EN on an iMac with 12.4 macOS. When I expand a Note (by double-clicking or selecting Note/Open in New Window) the content of the note is blank. Also, when I select Evernote/About Evernote, the About window is blank. This has happened in previous versions. Of course, since my About Evernote window is blank... I can't know my current EN version? Thanks
  3. Hi. Earlier today, I was unable to display the sidebar and was unable to display any notes, other than the one that was displayed. Exiting and restarting EN simply brought up the EN title bar and the one note that was displayed before restarting EN. I think this problem has been happening since my upgrade to 10.x.x. I am now running 10.18.3. Eventually, I was able to display the sidebar by importing a document into EN. When will this be fixed? What is the recommended workaround? Wouldn't a Display Home menu choice be handy to have available from the title bar menu? Thanks.
  4. Hi. I've had an EN shopping list for a few years. Lately, my practice with the list was to touch the checkboxes of all the items I need to pickup. Last week, I noticed a change with the list. On some list items, when I touched a checkbox, an "x" would, as expected, appear in the checkbox. However, on other items, a touch on the check box would produce a check, and the shopping item would be obscured with a strikeout. How can I get the entire list setup on my Android device so that a touch on the checkbox produces an "x" and the item has no strikeout?
  5. Hi. A while back I noticed that my Fujitsu ScanSnap scans into Evernote were not working correctly. Looking at the Apple Script below, can anyone tell me what might be going wrong. I think that one or both of these scripts were, probably copied from this forum, and, at one time, working. Thanks. // Possible Evernote Script #1 (* on run {input, parameters} repeat with this_item in the input set item_info to info for this_item tell application id "com.evernote.evernote" activate create note from file this_item end tell end repeat return input end run *) //Possible Evernote Script #2 (* on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving newFiles delay 5 repeat with newFile in newFiles tell application "Evernote" to create note from file newFile tell application "Finder" to delete (newFile) end repeat end adding folder items to *)
  6. Though I have not used this version long, I have not yet seen the problem in the 10.9.10-mac version.
  7. Enjoyed the Behind the Scenes video update. Does anyone know which language / libraries are being used to build the five clients?
  8. Hi. I recently noticed that my scanned documents were not being deleted after being imported into EN. After reading posts on this topic, I noticed that this functionality (applescript automation of EN) was lost after the upgrade to 10.0. I did not see any feedback from EN staff regarding when this functionality would be restored. Does anyone know the status of Applescript automation of EN in version 10+? Will it be restored? When will it be restored? If any exists, what is the current Applescript / EN API?
  9. Hi. I have 10.8.5-mac. All my EN notes are often blank when I restart my Mac from Sleep mode. If I select to quit/restart EN, the notes will reappear. I applied the "fix version" a while back, but this problem continued. What's the cause? I'd love a somewhat technical description. When can we expect a fix? Thanks.
  10. Hi. How do I setup EN so that it does not place a period when the space-bar is pressed twice?
  11. I've had a very similar problem before--the text of notes missing--which was temporarily eliminated by quitting EN and then starting EN. Now, the problem is worse (no sidebar/no notes) and I am unable to correct it with a restart of EN or the Mac. I've attached a screen-shot. Thanks.
  12. Thanks Gazumped. This problem seems to have resolved itself. The next day, I woke my Mac from Sleep and tried to pull-up EN. Twice the start of EN failed. However, three is the charm, as is often said. Sure enough, EN started and my note bodies are now, once again, visible.
  13. Hi. I have 10.15.7 Catalina. If I select Evernote / About Evernote, a blank page displays. So, I can't tell you the version of EN running on my Mac. Also, if I select a Notebook and a Note, a blank page displays. However, all notes display on my Windows and Android devices--only my Mac EN seems to be affected. What is the solution? Thanks.
  14. Hello, My Evernote Add-on for Firefox disappeared again. I went to the Firefox site to add it back and noticed that Firefox does not recommend the Evernote Add-On. Does anyone know why... - Evernote is not recommended by Mozilla/Firefox? - Evernote scores such a low 3 stars at the Firefox site? - my Evernote Add-On needs to be occasionally reinstalled? Thanks, Doug
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