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handwriting on Surface

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I would like to know how it is possible to do handwriting on a Microsoft Surface. I have tried with standard evernote and evernote touch without finding the way. is it possible to do that?

thank you




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Nope. Only way I could find was to use a separate program for handwriting and import those images to evernote. Evernote for the desktop has a written note option but you can't view those written notes on any other version of evernote except for the desktop app. So you can't share those with link and allow people to view them thru their web browser or view them on a android of apple device. But my first suggestion using a separate app and importing an image does allow you to share and view it on other devices.

I learned this the hardway after my Samsung Android device with an s-pen died. Samsung doesn't make any new tablet devices with a stylus so I moved to the surface only to be let down by evernotes lack of support for this device.

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  • Ex Employees
21 hours ago, vitornis said:

Evernote for the desktop has a written note option but you can't view those written notes on any other version of evernote except for the desktop app. So you can't share those with link and allow people to view them thru their web browser or view them on a android of apple device.

Ink notes can only be edited using Evernote for Windows Desktop, but they can be viewed on any device. 

Here is an Ink Note shared using the public URL option.

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  • Level 5*
23 hours ago, vitornis said:

Samsung doesn't make any new tablet devices with a stylus

I'm currently using a Samsung Note4 with a stylus,  and the series continues... my notes save to Evernote (but they can only be viewed in Evernote,  not edited,  otherwise S-Note can't reopen them.  Compatibility is a beach sometimes...)

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Here's an example of a Desktop Created Ink Note that has been later edited with the android app by added a new handwritten attachment.

You can see the black curve I made on my android device at the top. There is a "Download Ink" at the bottom where I made my original Inked Note on the desktop app. The link doesn't work and now I have no way of seeing that original Inked note. I find this feature of desktop created Inked notes to be useless with these problems.

Inked Note Created with the Desktop app and Later edited with the Android app.

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22 hours ago, gazumped said:

I'm currently using a Samsung Note4 with a stylus,  and the series continues... my notes save to Evernote (but they can only be viewed in Evernote,  not edited,  otherwise S-Note can't reopen them.  Compatibility is a beach sometimes...)

 Well I did see this today so maybe there's hope for a new tablet with the s-pen. I also use the Note4 phone but I had to change over to a surface for my tablet use.

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  • 3 months later...

Yes- We are finding that Ever-note, as awesome as it is for archiving, is not a great collaboration tool. A couple of weeks ago, while collaborating on a single note,  we ended up spending 45 minutes on something that should have taken about 30 seconds.

Right now we are rolling out a new website which requires lots of collaboration and our idea was to issue pens to everyone on the project so that we can quickly mark up design ideas. Evernote is not the tool for that. We are going to use a third party app and ASANA as our collaboration tool for this project.

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