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Evernote Date Format

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  • Level 5*

I've started this thread to discuss the correct date format to use in Evernote. It's a continuation of a discussion at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/94189-multiple-entries-per-note-or-one-note-per-entry/?do=findComment&comment=396874 but specific to date format.

My understanding, if you search on created date you use created:yyyymmdd
This is an internal date used in Evernote for your notes.

After that, there's the question of what format to use for dates in your notes.

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  • Level 5*
13 hours ago, DTLow said:

After that, there's the question of what format to use for dates in your notes.

My choice is to use yyyy/mm/dd format (Cdn and computer programmer)

For searches, Evernote strips out punctuation and this becomes yyyy mm dd
Its searchable, however any punctuation character could be used, and would match.
For example 2016/02/10 matches 2016-02-10
(reference Search Grammar Documentation

@csihilling has suggested the underscore character be used as a delimiter  since it's not srtipped like the other characters.

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  • Level 5*

Well, since I'm quoted here, I prefer the _ because

  1. It is searchable
  2. I don't need to use quotes
  3. And most importantly, no false positives.  If you should ever want to see all entries for October 2015 and you do a "2015/10" search you will get false positives if you have sent any emails to EN that contain a date like Mon, 9 Feb 2015 10:49:07 -0800.  OTOH, a search of 2015_10 will return only notes that you have specifically entered the date that way.  You can address this with intitle:"2015/`10" for sure assuming the note title is the only place the date exists.  Just not my cup of tea.



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