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Sort by Date

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, AsOneNJ said:

But it seems as if I can only sort by category then date.

How are you doing this sort.  The only dates I see to sort are creation and modification.
I use the top list view; its easier to apply sorting.

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I've added due dates to some of my task items. when i do that, it creates a folder that says "Reminders". Next to reminders their is a gear icon which if you click it allows you to sort by due date or custom. When I click due date. It will break them down by category and then date within each category.


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  • Level 5*
48 minutes ago, AsOneNJ said:

I've added due dates to some of my task items. when i do that, it creates a folder that says "Reminders". Next to reminders their is a gear icon which if you click it allows you to sort by due date or custom.

Sorry, I'm not seeing this on the Mac - we don't even have folders

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  • Level 5*


I'm assuming category probably means notebook in this case.  If you click on the gear and select sort reminders by date the reminders will be in date sequence oldest first.

If you want to see what you have to do today try this reminder date search, remindertime:day -remindertime:day+1 -reminderdonetime:*.  This search says show any reminders from today forward less any reminders from tomorrow forward and doesn't show completed reminders.  FWIW.

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  • Level 5*
On January 29, 2016 at 0:04 PM, AsOneNJ said:

I've added due dates to some of my task items. when i do that, it creates a folder that says "Reminders". Next to reminders their is a gear icon which if you click it allows you to sort by due date or custom. When I click due date. It will break them down by category and then date within each category.

Got it,  You're using the Reminder facility to add reminder dates.

This creates an area at the top of notes called Reminders.
By default, the Reminder Area is sectioned by Notebook
On the Mac, you can override the default sectioning by selecting the gear icon and select Sort Reminders by Date



I don't use this area at all - too many reminders and they clutter up my notes area.
csihilling had a good idea - I use it as a saved search


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