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My scans have disappeared


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  The maximum size of a note in Evernote Basic is 20MB.  If you managed to generate a scan of anything like that size,  please call the Guinness Book of Records because that would be unusual.  And you say you lost a day's work - was that all into a single note?  If the scans didn't make it to your Evernote database,  or to whatever other storage you might have chosen,  then I'm afraid that yes,  they're probably gone.  You'll need to repeat the work - but get some practice in first,  so you can anticipate likely problems...

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@shlollis, are you updated to the most current version of the Scannable application (2.1)? If so, please check the "Recents" option (tap on the three dots and then on "Recents"). Your scans should be available there.

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