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Notes not listing alphabetically

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I have one notebook containing 6 notes. When I open the app on my iphone, I see only Notes, and only 3 notes. They are not the 3 oldest notes, nor are they the 3 newest notes, nor are they in alphabetical order. Why/how is it picking the 3 apparently random notes it's displaying?


I want them in alphabetical order. (If I go to the 'All Notes' screen, I do see all the notes in alpha order there.)


I'd also like to see more than 3 notes on that initial screen.


Is there anyway to get this?



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That main "home" screen has limited space and only shows the three most recent(ly edited??) notes from any notebook. This is really just there to allow you to return quickly to a note you had just recently accessed and I don't think it is intended to be the primary way you access your notes. 


If you want a complete list of your notes, you can either click on the "Notes" header above the three notes, which takes you to a list of every note in every notebook sorted based on the selection made under the green "options" button at the top of the list (date created, modified, or title (i.e. alphabetical)). 


You can also browse by notebook and tag by tapping on the "notebook" or "tag" sections on the "home" screen. If these sections aren't present you can enabled them by, from the home screen in Evernote, clicking on the gear next to your name, and navigating to "Customize home screen". This also allows you to enable or disable the display of those three most recently accessed note (or tags in the case of the "Tags" section, and notebooks in the case of the "notebooks" section). 


I hope this clears things up a bit. 

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Thanks, again Scott, for the helpful information. The 3 notes displayed are not the most recently edited, nor are they alphabetical. The selection criteria is nowhere made clear. Brief experimentation leads me to think that it is likely the 3 most recently accessed notes. Which sort of makes sense, I guess.

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Those three notes are not supposed to be alphabetical anyway, I think it is ordered based on time, with the top-most note of the three being the most recently accessed. 

If it bothers you you can turn that list off by, from the home screen in Evernote, clicking on the gear next to your name, and navigating to "Customize home screen", and turn off "show details" for the Notes section, or any other section. 

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You sure they aren't the most recently viewed three on the phone?  That's what I see.

From my experience its the most recently three viewed or edited.... I suspect it's "viewed" but sometimes it hasn't been 100% consistent which makes it hard to tell exactly! 

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Thanks for the additional posts. Please not where I previously posted:

... experimentation leads me to think that it is likely the 3 most recently accessed notes ...

The question has been resolved for me. Again, thanks for the contributions.

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