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Listing Tasks from Multiple Notes

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Hi, I hope someone can advise me on a wish for Evernote!


I use separate notes to minute meetings and would like to be able to list specific tasks as well as general points, and then I want to generate a separate master list of all the tasks from the specific notes.  Is there any way to do this?





Using Evernote for Windows, create a note called "Master List." Using one of your meeting notes, right click that note and then move cursor down to "Copy Note Link." Now go to your Master List and past this link, you can add any and all of these meeting links into the Master List. Once done you could move the Master List up to the menu bar, the one showing All Notes, Notebooks, Tags, etc. When you need the Master List, just give it a click and there is your information.


David in Wichita

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Depending on your OS you may be able to use the Table of Contents function to get your Master List.  Once you've created all the notes from one meeting,  they're presumably findable by a common time or date,  and once you have the notes in a search results window,  Select All and you should see a pop-up menu that offers to create a TOC note which will list all those found notes.  If you use something in the title of each note to indicate the task it contains,  you may wind up with a useful list.


Different possibility - mobile apps like Swipes will find unticked 'task' boxes in your notes and add them to a list of required actions,  which you could then manage using use the app.

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Different possibility - mobile apps like Swipes will find unticked 'task' boxes in your notes and add them to a list of required actions,  which you could then manage using use the app.


If I'm not mistaken, Swipes is currently the only 3rd-party app out there right now that can do exactly as requested. I'm positive that Evernote will never implement such a feature in-app - as long as they endorse Swipes. 


Also.... Swipes can be found on web too :-)

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Thanks @akorvemaker,


TaskClone is quite comprehensive. 


The best they can do for you with the free plan (Evernote-Only Plan) is to create a master note of all of your checkboxes in Evernote.


There is a 14-day free trial that allows one to access the Premium features (Extract checkboxed to-do's to multiple task apps and Google Calendar.)

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