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Locking Part of a Note

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I would love to be able to lock part of a note. We use EN at our non profit to keep each other in the loop about congregants and their issues, so being able to "lock" their information at the top of a note would be useful. (not encrypt it) Right now, I put some of that info in the title, but that gets bulky.



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  • Level 5*

Difficult to lock 'part' of anything - especially in dozens of different devices and several different OS's.  You could 'print' the information you need locked into a PDF file and attach that to a note,  or take a screen grab of the relevant paragraphs and include a JPG file with the note.  Either way wlll display the content,  but won't allow it to be changed...

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  • Level 5*

No matter what you do someone can move, delete or modify the "locked" text.  Gaz provides good options to remove the modify option.  You could add some formatting above and below the locked part, "================= All entry below this line ====================" or whatever to highlight the process.  


You could create a 2x table with the locked information in the first row and each participant adding a row with date and comments when they make an entry.  Success is going to be based upon community discipline in the end, however you go about it. 

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