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Why are Evernote so fragmented?

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We use Evernote on multiple platforms and it's so annoying that Evernote hasn't got a concistent set of editing functions throughout the clients on the different platforms.

If I create a note on a Mac and use the insert hyperlink or different colors on text it is crucial that I also can Edit those things on my iPad or on an Android phone.

When can we expect Evernote to become more concistent and usable between different platforms also in regards to editing options?

In my opinion the set of editing options should not exceed the least common denominator. A new function shall never be implemented unless it's going to be available on all platforms.

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  • Level 5*

That sounds sensible and easy to implement until you start to analyse it.  The word for the day is 'different'.


Different OS's have different instruction sets that require different solutions.  They're updated at (different) random intervals,  and occasionally have major changes in design or usability as the base technology improves.  Android mobiles represent upwards of 50 OS's in themselves because of the different degrees to which different operators have 'redesigned' their own interface.  Different Evernote teams specialise in getting the best performance out of their respective OS.  It would be an impossible task to try to standardise a UI at any one time.


If one device is suddenly capable of a new feature,  would you have them hold back the code until all devices are capable of it before introducing the update?  If some devices aren't and will never be capable of some functions,  should those be banned forever from all devices?  If some devices have smaller screens should all be limited to the same small display size?

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  • Level 5*

Gaz, while there are *some* differences in platforms/OS that MAY preclude, or make more difficult, the implementation of some features, Evernote could do a much better job of consistency than they have done.  Many of the differences are simply due to choice and lack of any real coordination or control across platforms.  



That sounds sensible and easy to implement until you start to analyse it.  The word for the day is 'different'.


Different OS's have different instruction sets that require different solutions.  They're updated at (different) random intervals,  and occasionally have major changes in design or usability as the base technology improves.  Android mobiles represent upwards of 50 OS's in themselves because of the different degrees to which different operators have 'redesigned' their own interface.  Different Evernote teams specialise in getting the best performance out of their respective OS.  It would be an impossible task to try to standardise a UI at any one time.

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I don't get the point of statements like that.  Everybody knows that (like the Geico commercial  :lol: ).


Just because it is THEIR choice doesn't mean it is the RIGHT choice.  There are many other software developers that produce versions of their apps on multiple platforms that are very consistent.  It can be done (I've done it) and it is not as hard as you would have people believe.


Evernote could do lots of things,  but it's their choice...

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The point is that right or not,  hard or not,  Evernote get to make their own business decisions. 


It was reported a long time ago that there are different teams working on each OS,  with specific instructions to produce the best app they could for that OS.  Seems likely that a round green "+" sign (as in for a new note in Android) with it's 'drop up' grapevine menu for the options probably isn't going to be an appropriate choice for Windows or Yosemite. 


If you want absolute parity across all platforms 1) Evernote would have to decide they want to 'achieve' that and 2) It would (IMHO) be a design disaster on either desktops or mobile devices depending on which way they decided to go.

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No one called for "absolute parity across all platforms".  Some of us just believe Evernote could be more consistent across platforms.  Maybe there are some technical constraints, but, IMO, it is mostly due to lack of management across platforms and a lack of desire to make them consistent.



If you want absolute parity across all platforms 1) Evernote would have to decide they want to 'achieve' that and 2) It would (IMHO) be a design disaster on either desktops or mobile devices depending on which way they decided to go.

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The point is that right or not,  hard or not,  Evernote get to make their own business decisions. 


It was reported a long time ago that there are different teams working on each OS,  with specific instructions to produce the best app they could for that OS.  Seems likely that a round green "+" sign (as in for a new note in Android) with it's 'drop up' grapevine menu for the options probably isn't going to be an appropriate choice for Windows or Yosemite. 


If you want absolute parity across all platforms 1) Evernote would have to decide they want to 'achieve' that and 2) It would (IMHO) be a design disaster on either desktops or mobile devices depending on which way they decided to go.


I think you misunderstand me gazumped.

I wasn't looking for a identical GUI (look and feel) over all different platforms. Of course is that impossible due to the differences in OS's and development environments made by the different manufacturers.

The thing I was talking about is the poor consistency in more basic functionality like for example on my Mac:

  • I add a table to a note and fill with data. How the h**l do I add a row on that table on my iPad? It isn't possible.
  • I use the add link feature. How do I edit that on an iPad?
  • Even a simple horizontal line isn't available on the iOS
  • Internal links
  • Font size
  • Font colors
  • and so on...

Most of the above are things that EN pretty easily could implement on all platforms if the want to. But they don't. And I do not understand why?

It's pretty obvious that EN want's to provide us with the possibility to use different platforms or else they hadn't provided the syncing.

But if you are going to use your notes on multiple platforms you must be able to have all formatting and editing functions on all platforms or else you end up with being restricted to only use the least common denominator of functionality.

Of course EN can not bring all the functionality to all platforms at the same time but there must be a strict plan to "even it out" as soon as possible but unfortunately I don't see any of that from EN.


Now I have been very negative in my post so I need to note that I love the general thought of EN to ba able to create notes and have them available anywhere anytime.

But if I only can use a very small subset of editing and formatting functionality due to the fact that EN doesn't bother to be more consistent over the different platforms I must say that users who really need to use this kind of software over multiple platforms should not choose EN.

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  • Level 5*

Apologies - looks like our subsequent exchanges drove your original point off course somewhat.  But I'd stand by part of my response,  which you illustrated already - if you want to be able to add a row to a table in all devices,  then everyone has to wait until the iOS team (and everyone else) have figured out how to add that function before it can be released anywhere.  You're restricted to that 'lowest common denominator' situation.  And your iOS team are also probably limited in researching other new features,  because part of their resource now has to prioritise on fixing the tables issue.


I do totally agree with you though - it'd be really good if the different teams (or their managers) got together on a regular basis and shared their progress;  life would be easier if we didn't have to work around software quirks and foibles.  But again - Evernote call the shots.  If they decide to work in a certain way,  we as customers have the usual choice of sucking it up or finding an alternative.


It's even possible that they've seen the light and changed the way that teams work already - but Evernote don't (usually) share that sort of information,  and given that R&D is usually working months or years ahead of actual releases,  it could be a little time before anyone sees any evidence of that...

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  • Level 5*

I haven't seen it mentioned here in several weeks, but there was talk by EN staff about an improved "common" text editor across all platforms. I hope it's still in the works and that it rolls out - reasonably bug free - soon.

Ah, reasonably bug free, such high expectations!

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