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evernote & bittorrent sync

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privacy concerns against pretty much all cloud services have risen dramatically in the light of the NSA's (and other agencies) activities. now our beloved evernote for the obvious reason is subject to these concerns as well. so why not introduce (at least the option) to use bittorrent sync as the means to sync the evernote databases between devices? from a user perspective this should continue to provide the full feature set we are enjoying today, just without data going back to evernote servers, but *only* going back and forth between our personal devices. the value of evernote is in the applications and the syncing, not in the cloud storage, both of which would continue to work saving evernote plenty of money for the storage along the way. this being a win-win, why is it not being pursued? am I missing something?

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  • Level 5*

As I understand it, Evernote's model is based around providing a cloud based syncing service for data. 


For this reason, they have pretty unequivocal in saying that they would never build an appliance or application for Enterprise's to host themselves. Similarly, they have said that they won't support LAN syncing .


Never say never, but having been around here for a while I'd guess that it would be extremely unlikely that a torrent sync would ever be implemented.

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To that end, there are some other platforms that do local syncing (not necessarily on the BT protocol) much better because that was their intent from the start (I'm thinking mostly of DevonTHINK here). Evernote, as far as we the public can tell, was never intended as a way of locally transferring data, their emphasis was, and still seems to be, on the cloud.


Of course, as Metrodon says, never say never, because, well, with Evernote, you never know!

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  • Level 5*

To that end, there are some other platforms that do local syncing (not necessarily on the BT protocol) much better because that was their intent from the start (I'm thinking mostly of DevonTHINK here). Evernote, as far as we the public can tell, was never intended as a way of locally transferring data, their emphasis was, and still seems to be, on the cloud.


Of course, as Metrodon says, never say never, because, well, with Evernote, you never know!


Actually, Evernote (as I understand it) started out with no syncing, but then moved to a syncing model. Since at least 2008 they have been pretty consistent and clear about Evernote being a service predicated on communication with the Evernote server. DevonThink seems to be optimized around the cloud for syncing and I have not heard good things about the wifi / local sync (iOS) because the iOS app is in such a sorry state. For local device to device syncing, the only note-taking app I've had any luck with is VoodooPad, but it doesn't work terribly well with large databases (anything over a few thousand notes) for some reason. The iOS app is under-developed and this might change if the new owners (Plausible Labs) update the app. 


So, we have two different models: the service (Evernote) and the software (DevonThink and VoodooPad). Evernote's entire business model depends on this service approach, so I don't think they are likely to change anytime soon to a software model.

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thanks for sharing your experiences / information....what makes me wonder is the question of the business model - with a direct sync between clients (bittorrent sync is just an example) evernote could continue to charge the same as the service does not change, yet reduce its own cost significantly as they no longer need to rent or build massive cloud storage. seems like a very natural thing to do. after all all companies are trying to reduce their cost base. yet here it does not seem to be the focus. I guess I am missing something - but what?

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I disagree...we would pay for the software allowing us to do it as feature rich as evernote...and that software could well be based on a subscription model....if I am right they could even reduce their annual fees while still improving their margin (by giving a part of the savings from less infrastructure investments back to the users). and lower fees typically mean more customers (supply and demand)....meaning not only their margin but also their revenue could go up...hmmmm...

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  • Level 5*

I disagree...we would pay for the software allowing us to do it as feature rich as evernote...and that software could well be based on a subscription model....if I am right they could even reduce their annual fees while still improving their margin (by giving a part of the savings from less infrastructure investments back to the users). and lower fees typically mean more customers (supply and demand)....meaning not only their margin but also their revenue could go up...hmmmm...

I think the best thing to do if you want to understand the business model is to listen to the CEO explain it. Please check out some of the videos here.


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