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Two accounts: Best practice


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Hi there,

My database is growing and I am experiencing slow response time, longer searches etc. (WIN desktop).

I am thinking of separating my database in 2, creating another EN account.


The 2nd account will be for archive purposes where I keep old bills, receipts, doucments for long term storage etc. This will approx cut my database in half. It should be lean and trim again afterwards.


I want to do it right from the beginning. What is the best practice for doing this?

I know how to create another account.

But how do I get the "old" documents from the first account into the new account without too much hassle?


Thanks for any suggestions.



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There are a couple of common strategies. 

Perhaps the best one is to share a notebook between accounts. This notebook can serve as the conduit for transferring archived notes. ANything you want to archive in your primary account can be plopped into the shared notebook. When you log into your secondary account you can then move those notes into a non-shared notebook on that secondary account. Rinse, and repeat. 


Another way is to select notes you'd like archived, export them as a .enex format (do this once for each notebook, naming the .enex after the notebook you archive from. .enex files do not preserve notebook organization so if you export multiple notebooks into a single .enex, that organization is lost). You can then import the .enex file into your secondary account. 


This second method is a bit clumsier and cannot really occur in "real time". The first method is a bit friendlier because you can just pop notes in as you go about your day, then switch to your secondary account sometime in the future and clean it up. 


There are a number of posts in this forum that, with some searching and browsing, you might find offer some insight. A number of users here have discussed their methods for doing what you are looking to do. 

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  • Level 5*

On the WIndows desktop, I'd go for the ENEX solution, one notebook at a time. You can / should verify that the transfer succeeded before deleting the notebook from its original account.

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  • Level 5

My database is growing and I am experiencing slow response time, longer searches etc. (WIN desktop).

I am thinking of separating my database in 2, creating another EN account.


The 2nd account will be for archive purposes where I keep old bills, receipts, doucments for long term storage etc. This will approx cut my database in half. It should be lean and trim again afterwards.


I ran into the same scalability problem when I hit 30,000 notes. After reading about similar problems from other users, I decided to purchase a 2nd Premium account and over the past 60 days, I've moved half of my notes. Once I finish the move, I will downgrade both accounts to the free version and continue moving my more important notes to other services. (OneDrive, OneNote, and Google Docs)

A strong warning - if you use any hierarchical (parent /child) tags, I would strongly suggest avoiding ScottLougheed's suggestion "the best one is to share a notebook between accounts".

You will end up with a complete mess on your hands with parent / child level tags on one account and everything un-nested and promoted to parent level tags on the other account. When you look at the list of tags in the Left Panel, you will be very disappointed when you see the same tag listed twice in different areas of the same Evernote account (caused by the sharing feature). Some notes with one version of the tag and the rest of the notes with the other version of the same tag. I spent a lot of time discussing this with Evernote Support. They are aware of this issue. Example:



My solution was to stop sharing and rely 100% on the Evernote >File >Switch to alternate account method. It is tedious and it easy to forget which account you are in, but it avoids the tag mess. Or you could stick with just a flat level of tags, but I believe you will still see each each shared tag listed twice.


I totally agree with jefito - only do one notebook at a time and be very careful. Take it slow. It is not easy and it will take some time. I also used the enex export / import process and that is why I ended up buying a second Premium account (instead of the free version) to get the considerably larger upgrade cap. All those notes take a 2nd hit on Evernote's cap when imported into the archive account.


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