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Can one note contain a link to another note

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I'm new to EN and wonder if it is possible to make one note link to another.  So for example, I take a note during a meeting about a various projects.  I'd like to make a link to those projects.  And on those project notes I'd like a link back to the meeting notes.


I hope this isn't a question that has been answered a dozen times already!



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  • Level 5*

Yes, this is easy to do. E.g., open your meeting note, then drag in your project notes - EN will create links that are titled with the titles on the respective notes you dragged into the meeting note.

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  • Level 5

In the Windows client version of Evernote:

  1. right click on the note (in the Note List panel)
  2. select "Copy Note Link"
  3. paste it into the new note.


To go back, select the back icon in Evernote.

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Thank you for the quick replies.  Sorry that I can not make either work.  Does it make a difference which device I use Evernote on?   At this time I use it on the Mac and iPhone.  


In the Mac client I can not drag one note onto of another. Nothing seems to happen.  Also the right click menu does not have an option "Copy Note Link".  It does have a "Link" option with a submenu "Add Link".  But this seems to be the "add link to web page" function.

I will need to know the answer for the iPhone and iPad as well.


One good thing about your answers .... i did not know there was a back icon.  That is handy.



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If possible, I would like to know how to learn about the solution from the help documents or whatever.  I do check these out and will go back to them again later if I forget.  So, if anyone wants to just provide a link to the manual I'll be happy to read it :)

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Thank you for the link to the FAQ.  There is one *key* bit that a newbie like me missed ..... "right-click the note **in the note list** and choose Copy Note Link".   I can see that @jbenson2 said exactly that but as a newbie I did not read his answer carefully enough and, as a new user, I was thinking about working with the note as it appears in the edit view.  


Is this technique only good for the desktop versions?  I guess that smartphone editions don't have anything like this.   I wonder about the web client....?

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