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(Archived) Can I apply a tag to a set of notes en masse?


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  • Level 5*

When you multi-select in Windows, the note pane will turn into a multi-note pane. If you click where it says "Click to add tag..." you can type in tag names that will apply to everything in the selection. Alternatively, you can drag a tag from the tag tree onto the selection; same result. Lastly, you can use the Ctrl+Alt+T (Right click / "Tag Notes..." is the same action) shortcut to manage the tags for the selection.

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like: click in the tag tree all of the tags I want to apply and then drag them over onto a note or set of notes

this obviously doesn't work, but is there another way to add a set of tags as a group rather than:

  • click "click here to add tag", then
  • find and select tag, then
  • click "click here to add tag", then
  • find and select tag, then
  • click "click here to add tag", then
  • find and select tag, then
  • etc. etc.
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Unfortunately the knowledge base had nothing regarding these alternate ways you mention... unless I'm blinder than I thought...

I find using the KB generally frustrating as I have to go through gobs of notes to try to find what I'm looking for... not workable as a user guide

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  • Level 5*

Select Notes. Press Ctrl-Alt-T. Uncheck the box that says show unassigned tags if it is checked. Press Alt-N. Type the tag you want to add to all notes. Press enter. Rinse and repeat until you have all tags that you want. Click OK. You are done.

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