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(Archived) Search results don't match desktop


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I created a search on Evernote for Windows that results in 49 notes. However, on the iphone, the search only shows 3 notes, none of which actually match the criteria. Any idea what might be the problem? Does search not work the same on IOS as on the desktop?

The actual search syntax is "notebook:"Holding Tank" created:week-2 -tag:qb"


I have a similar problem, a search in the format -tag:"tag1" -tag:"tag2" -tag:"tag3" works fine in MacOS and duly returns 962 notes that are not tagged with either of those three tags. I have saved the search under 'favorites' it returns 1940 notes, with many of them appearing up to ten times in the list! 



edit tpyo


edit: seems to be fixed, thanks guys


Wow, sounds like this is a serious bug and that search is broken. Have you received any feedback from Evernote about it?


I created a search on Evernote for Windows that results in 49 notes. However, on the iphone, the search only shows 3 notes, none of which actually match the criteria. Any idea what might be the problem? Does search not work the same on IOS as on the desktop?

The actual search syntax is "notebook:"Holding Tank" created:week-2 -tag:qb"

The search function is your friend.



Ouch, doesn't look very friendly to me. Am I understanding correctly - searches created on the desktop do NOT work on mobile and there currently is no solution?


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