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Evernote on iPad mini vs full size iPad

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I'm going to buy an iPad.  Attracted to iPad mini because of lighter weight and smaller size.  Found great Zagg keyboard 9 inch which will make typing fluidly easier.   BUT ... I am a big user of Evernote.  Will Evernote on the iPad mini function just as smoothly as the full size iPad?

Anyone who has used both?   Looking for feedback.   Thanks!

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  • Level 5*

They seem to work the same. Heck, I pair a keyboards up to my iPhone and use it just fine there, so you don't have anything to worry about with the Mini. Personally, I find navigation a little more difficult, but that is true for all apps. I'm not a Mini fan yet, and prefer the full size iPad.

By the way, I think there is a version of Evernote preloaded onto the Mini and you can try it in the store. It is the old interface, though, if I remember correctly.

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When you go to the store, I'd suggest you pay attention to the mini's display quality. After buying the Mini, I was very disappointed by how bad the screen is (bad contrast, colors are off). It also has a pretty low resolution, bad if you plan on working with text a lot (reading or writing).


The new iPad mini (Retina) should get released around October. If I were you, I'd wait for that, or buy a full-sized iPad (with much better screen quality).

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

@livingstone......Was wondering what you decided to do.  I am having a hard time deciding which to purchase.  Am a new user to Evernote so haven't gotten a feel for anything about it yet.


I would strongly recommend against buying the iPad Mini now. Actually, I've always said that, LOL :) With the release of an incredible display on the Nexus 7 (Google) and the update of the Mini expected in the fall, though, the Mini's awful (in my opinion) display is almost certainly going to receive an update that will make it a vastly improved experience. The iPad 4 is a safe bet to buy, but it is a little too large (for some people) and it is also due for an update soon (though, probably nothing major beyond a lighter and more svelte body). 


Personally, at this stage, when so many tablets are likely to be released (iPad 5, iPad Mini 2, Nexus 10 (or 11?), and Asus Transformer (maybe?)) it is difficult to imagine making a purchase just now. The only tablet I can recommend without hesitation (for people who want something small) would be the Nexus 7. I have the first gen. of it, and I am very impressed. The second gen. is supposed to be much better and it is available now for the same price I paid for the first gen. this time last year. I'd call that a good deal.


Evernote? There are pros and cons for each platform, and it depends on how you use the app. If you are not locked into a particular operating system, then I'd definitely consider the Nexus 7.

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  • 2 months later...

Love my mini, but the new Evernote for iOS 7 is a problem on this size screen. The designers have clearly designed everything for the larger iPad screen. The Getting Started Guide, in it's little drop down window, for instance, is so small that the text is absolutely illegible. Read it on your computer because you won't be able to read it on your iPad. The "Home screen" and article list columns take up a lot of screen space, and it does not seem possible to push them out of the way and dedicate the whole screen to a single article. That's frustrating in the small iPad mini screen. These issues are fixable, but I'm not sure the Evernote people actually test their program on a mini, so don't expect a lot of help in this area.

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  • 1 year later...


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