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(Archived) Importing documents as notes

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  • Level 5*

For questions like this it's always helpful to know if you're Windows or Mac and Prem or Free..


Premium Windows customer have it easy,  because they can create an Import Folder,  drag files into it,  and go make a coffee.  Subject to a few limitations on size and page count your PDF files will get OCR'd if they need it;  but you might want to convert your RTF files to .DOCX (or .DOC) because I'm not totally sure which office file types Evernote will OCR.  Word .DOCX files definitely do.


If you have a lot of big files you may have to stage this over a few months to keep some upload limit for everyday Evernoting - or you could just buy extra capacity and carry on.


Mac users have some scripts to help 'import' files - but the same rules apply as to OCR and bandwidth.

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